The sunset was great to finally watch. I should be able to catch this every single evening that I am here. With rewards such as this comes some risks. Let me explain below.
One thing I learned quickly since arriving on the island is to be outside on the opposite schedule of the “no-see-ums”. These pests are tiny microscopic flies that live in the sand. They burrow inside of the sand when the temperatures and sun are high.
No-see-ums have many other names such as : majes, mimes, sand fleas, midges, and mi-mis. All are the same tiny creature. These things are so small that you cannot even see them as they make your body their snack. Luckily they are not harmful, just very annoying.
The times that they come out vary. Generally right as the sun starts to set and it begins to cool down, early in the morning just before the sun rises, and during the day after it rains. They go back in the sand around 9pm, this is so the can sleep.
The wind will keep them away, their wings can only handle 5mph maximum. Bug repellent spray also works, but be careful and sure not to use a product that is harmful to your skin. I recommend a lemongrass/water spray.
Leaving the windows open in your tropical home is ok as long as their is a continuous wind flowing through. Once that stops, the windows need to be closed. Most certainly keep your bedroom door closed always. Also be sure to shower before you get in your bed anytime after you have been on the beach. This will keep you from sleeping with these creatures and waking up covered in bumps.
Hopefully this information will save you from having to deal with being itchy while trying to enjoy your time in the tropics. Luckily I found this out before I had any problems.