Litter beaches in Limbe, Cameroon

Sorry for the necessity to show you this!

Not every beach is a pleasant place for enjoyment and relaxation!

When I visited Cameroon I was at two very different beaches, Limbe and Kribi.
Kribi is what you might expect as a lovely, beautiful beach with black sand and palm trees. A loveley place to go swimming I'll show you some pictures next wednesday!).
Well, Limbe has also palm trees and black sand, but you cannot see him and you don't want to go swimming, because the beach is overloaded with litter, that is washed up by the atlantic ocean.
Even the trash collectors cannot manage to collect all the litter in Limbe.


But enjoy the pictures and think of it the next time you drink from plastic bottles. Who knows on which beach they might be washed up some day.

Stay Steemed!

Love, Unity & Abundance


Thanks to @uwelang and @lizanomadsoul for introducing the #beachwednesday tag!

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