Spacey #beatbattle entry R2

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Here is my entry for the #beatbattle R2. This what I envision would play in a space elevator. This beat starts off with a very basic drum that's been filtered. I added some old keyboard synths to make the beat sound even more arbitrary and "spacey". I added some of my own vocals in the begining and made them sound like far off robotic cries. When my vocals drop out, chopped up vocals that I found in the Exhale VST take over. They sound closer and more present. When the hook portion comes in, the drums become a bit more conventional and the vocal changes. If you listen carefully it sounds like a it's giving off a mangled message: "fly away, fly away" "fly over" "wait, wait" all adding to the feeling of being way up in the sky. Let me know what you think. SilasBeats-9180.jpg


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