Beat Battle Week 11 / Let the power of Christ compels you / Original Music

Werd up Steemians,

here is my entry for the Beat Battle Week 11. The theme was Zombie Apocalypse. Honestly? I'm glad I'm finished creating this joint, cause while I was mixing and mastering it I terrified the sh!t out of my know I live in the suburb area of the town and my surrounding is pretty much intellectuals of all kind, and I can imagine how they bug out every week when I mix and master the different genres...they probably think my stereo is always loud and I'm obnoxious. lOl You should know me by now...when it's about mixing and mastering I don't take that ish for granted, in my opinion it is the most important part of my Artwork and I'm sorry I can't break that down to them so easily. Well anyhow..this joint here has monologue sequences from movies like The Exorcist, the Omen, Psycho (Hitchcocks version with Anthony Perkins), The Sixth Sense, Hellraiser and Scream (for the fun of it). The main sample melody is from a movie called Dawn of Dead. I played my MIDI Instruments as usually here and there, and the sounds comes from VSTs like Omnisphere, Arp 2600 V3, Mini V3 and the Piano sound comes from Pianoteq 5 STAGE. So without more ado, here is the creepy beat I created for this week. BTW the Image you see took me a long time creating on Photoshop with my favorite mirroring branches technique and it's not an "one button push generators" creation, it's all done from scratch from a photo I took back in 2015. I'm not sure if I should say ENJOY cause that would be slightly misleading..sooo..go and get frightened and tell me about your horror trip afterwards. (; Cheers and Steem on.

Let the power of Christ compels you

ā†“ The Beat ā†“

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