Beat Battle League Week Nine Results

Eight (8) incredible entries were apart of this Week Nine of the League. Such a diverse group of Steemians came together this week to create such epic, high-quality art.

The judging panel of @chiefmappster, @vandigital, @danyelk, and @instrumentals, thank you so much for all the time, effort , and resources that went into creating your entries. Thanks again to @jphenderson for his continual support of the League.

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Courtesy of OG Tech Shaman @nicnas with fresh update from @the-fillosopher

We have such a dynamic and thriving community of incredible souls that are helping each other to the top.

The winner of the Beat Battle League will be announced on January 2, 2018 winning the championship belt and a good chance of winning the ultimate prize of a trip to Vegas by winning the Steemit Music League championship.

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Prototype championship belt

Remember you can always check the updated League standings and quick link for the previous week’s results at

Remember the entries are judged on:

  • Sound Quality: does this shit sound crispy, in speakers and headphones, is there cracking or recording errors? How loud can we play it before you notice quality issues? etc

  • Technicality: what are the skills you displayed in making this beat? The technical aspects of the your craft. The layers and sounds do they match? How many? etc

  • Creativity: how unique your entry is. How well it revolves around the universal theme? O shit we have never heard that sound before? Stuff like that.

Without further adieu, here are the results from Week Nine of the Beat Battle League:

FIRST WINNER: @a4v with an average of 4.51 from the judging panel winning 20 SBD and 65 Whaleshares for 85 points.

Ayyyy winner winner.

You dominated this week’s theme and the whole judging panel agreed. @vandigital and @instrumentals both had you the top selection and their experience is vast and diverse.

Everything about this entry is epic. The beat fits the vocals so ideally and highlights the vocals and reiterates the message of the song. But it doesn’t distract or take the focus of the vocals. Your beat hypes them and makes it so engaging. I had to bring this back multiple times because this is such an epic freakin track.

Also, the sound quality is so clear and crispy. Your production on this track is no doubt top quality.

Not to mention you were the first entry in this week. Talk about efficiency and effectiveness man holy smokes.

Props to you for creating this winning entry and I am sure you and @vandigital can figure something out for the future : )

Support the winning music producer here: @a4v/steemit-beat-battle-week-nine-entry-rapcrypto-2017-by-vandal-a4v-remix

SECOND WINNER: @beatseb with an average of 4.30 from the judging panel winning 10 SBD and 50 Whaleshares for 60 points.

Holy smokes this such an incredible entry.

The sound quality per usual is top-notch.

All the sounds you use from the incredible piano to the those spacey sounds (like at 0:35 and 1:13).

The layering and transitions in this are seemless and even the video you created fits the lyrics so freakin well. It’s incredible.

And let’s not forget the creativity to include all these different sounds and to use the piano as the major force behind this track is so epic. Also love the creativity at 1:05 with the changes to “die slow.”

And the details you dominated the details. You can tell the mastering is top-notch resulting in a superior sound quality. Even in the video you dominated the details. The way you included a QR code and Bitcoin address to reinforce @vandigital’s lyrics is so epic.

Appreciate all the time and effort you put into creating this entry. Namaste.

Support his epic human being here: @beatseb/beat-battle-league-week-9-rap-crypto-remix-by-beatseb

THIRD WINNER: @seveaux with an average of 4.22 from the judging panel winning 6 SBD and 40 Whaleshares for 46 points.

Let’s goooooooo

Man this beat provides so many dimensions to the listener it’s incredible.

You have that “Forget About Dre” vibe throughout the beat which is so freakin epic and reinforces the OG hip-hop message of the vocals. That sound sequence you use is my favorite of this week.

Also, that “Ahhhh” choir sound you have in the beginning and throughout the beat sets the tone and gives it that “larger than life” vibe.

And the way you bring in the beat with such force and energy leaves me feeling so pumped up. That pre-workout/battle feeling where you can achieve anything.

Lastly, this sounds so freakin epic in headphones. You can hear all the details and intricacies of this beat so amazingly. And man when I pumped it on the speakers at the house it definitely brought some energy : )

Thank you for sharing this masterpiece with us.

Support this epic producer here: @seveaux/steemit-beatbattle-week-9-seveaux-no-fomo-vocals-vandal

FOURTH WINNER: @verbal-d with an average of 4.15 from the judging panel winning 4 SBD and 30 Whaleshares for 34 points.

Holy smokes what an incredible vibe this entry has.

Absolutely love that Persian Santoor throughout the track. It adds such an awesome element and energy to the vocals. Need more of this instrument in mainstream music to raise those vibrations.

The way your beat fits @vandigital’s vocals is seemless.

It doesn’t overpower it; it just brings out the best energy and vibes from it.

Also, love how you let the beat run at the end giving @vandigital some more time to say something at the end of the remix. It also just lets you get that full sense of the beat as well.

Lastly, I totally understand when you say you prefer this to the original. This beat with all its sounds and layers hits a whole new target market that might not have noticed the hip-hop original. One of the many benefits of putting out multiple editions of a single to the globe.

Thank you for creating this and sharing your knowledge, life, and talents with us.

Support this epic Steemian here: @verbal-d/chiefmappster-s-beat-battle-league-week-9-entry-rapcrypto-by-vandal-the-opus-original-beat-collaboration-song

COMMUNITY FAVORITE: @djlethalskillz with $19.11 in community support, 69 upvotes, and 56 comments (through 3 Rap Crypto posts) winning 10 SBD, 15 Whaleshares, and 5 SMOKE for an additional 30 points

What an incredible entry.

Love that intro with “Hey” building up the energy to get ready for the track.

And then BAM at 0:21 you take us to the next level of this production. Really enjoy how the sounds you use in this sequence (:20-1:14) allow for @vandigital’s vocals to shine. They reinforce and boost the message so well and kept me engaged.

Also, the sound quality on this track is superb. Played it multiple volume levels multiple times through and it is so clear and you can hear all the nice details of the production and @vandigital’s vocals.

I really enjoyed the vibe and energy you provided us in this entry. Appreciate the positive energy and all the time and effort you put into creating this art.

Looking forward to enjoying more of your music in the future. Namaste

Support this epic Steemian here: @djlethalskillz/steemit-beat-battle-week-nine-entry-rapcrypto-2017-by-vandal-or-dj-lethal-skillz-remix

HONORABLE MENTION #1: @baserod with an average of 3.91 from the judging panel winning 25 SMOKE for 25 points.

Ay he’s backkkkkkk

Love this epic almost chopped and screwed entry. You slow down @vandigital’s vocals in such an ideal proportion from my perspective. And matched it so nicely with the sounds you used in this track.

Love how you have his vocals come in so strong with the beat at 0:48 and then we are off.

I thoroughly enjoyed this entry as it was one of the ideas I thought would bring the most value to @vandigital. This entry reaches a whole new target audience that the original might not reach. Just because of your skills and the vibe and energy you created with this.

Also, the sound quality was great on this one and came in real clear on all volume levels on the speakers.

Appreciate the professional beat you shared with us and I look forward to listening to your brand of beats whenever I can.

Support this awesome producer here: @basedrod/beat-battle-week-9-entry-th3m3-by-rigo-white

HONORABLE MENTION #2: @termitemusic with an average of 3.89 from the judging panel winning 15 SMOKE for 15 points.

Wow what a trippy entry.

You take us on such a rollercoaster through this track. Hitting us with that slow moving intro and then WHAM at :40 @vandigital’s vocals come in so strong. This part is my favorite of the track because I really like how you let his vocals be the focus but have your trippy sounds and production reinforce them.

The scoring was varied with the judges and some liked the intro and some preferred having it start at :40 in.

I really liked the vibes especially with Halloween coming around. This track gave me that spooky, trippy vibe and definitely provide some awesome energy.

Appreciate you creating this track and for all you do as a leader in the music community. Namaste.

Support this awesome Steemian here: @termitemusic/rapcrypto-vandal-termite-remix-beat-battle-round-nine

HONORABLE MENTION #3: @inthenow with an average of 3.88 from the judging panel winning 10 SMOKE for 10 points.

Holy smokes what an entry.

A whole new cross-genre entry love it. You mix electronic music, guitar, and that rock vibe so effectively.

Love how you use the electronic music sounds as the introductory energy and then you transition so nicely at :30 to that guitar-laced sequence.

This track highlighted your skills as a producer and does @vandigital’s vocals justice.

Especially love how you played with the vocals around 2:13 to provide a nice switch up in the track and transition to your next sequence.

This gave me that Linkin Park vibe and provided me with so much energy.

Appreciate you diving in the Beat Battle League and showcasing your skills and talents. God bless.

Check out this epic Steemian here: @inthenow/say-no-to-the-fomo-rapcrypto-remix-chiefmappsters-beat-battle-league-week-9-entry

Here is my scorecard with two columns added to reflect average from entire judging panel of @chiefmappster, @vandigital, @danyelk, and @instrumentals and respective overall ranking in this week. Thanks again to @jphenderson for his continual support of the League.


This concludes the results for Week Nine of the Beat Battle League.

Stay tuned for tomorrow for the details for Week Ten.

Below are the updated standings as of today with @beatseb securing a spot in the Top Three passing @shakazula.

Another big movers is @a4v moving into 6th place with his victory this week. Other movers this week are @baserod and @termitemusic moving into the Top Ten of the Beat Battle League.

Also, this week @seveaux extends his lead over @verbal-d to 70 points, which is less than one victory.

Anything can happen the many weeks we have left in Season One of the League especially if one of the Top Three in the leaderboard decide to redeem their points then a new spot opens up in the Top Three for the taking.


Remember every month the top three (3) Steemians in the Beat Battle League Standings will be able to redeem their points for POINTZ, the cryptocurrency currently in its pre-launch phase.

The top three this past month of @seveaux, @verbal-d, and @shakazula elected to keep their points and maintain their position in the leaderboard.

If next month the top three elect to redeem their points for POINTZ then their score in the leaderboard is reset to 0 and then they can begin the climb back up the standings until Season One of the Beat Battle League concludes on January 2, 2018.

For example, if say on November 2 @djlethalskillz has 420 points through his participation in the Beat Battle League earning him a top three spot.

He has the option to redeem those 420 points for 420 POINTZ and receive them via the Bitshares Network. POINTZ initial pre-launch value is 1 POINTZ for 1 BTS.

That's right the leaderboard not only gives you a chance to win the Beat Battle League Championship belt, it gives you the chance to earn a cross-platform cryptocurrency of value.

Thanks again for another epic week Steemians. You bless us with your hard work and dedication and we thank you for that.

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For more information about POINTZ go here: @chiefmappster/what-is-points

And for more information about the Steemit Music League Challenge Week Four go here: @chiefmappster/steemit-music-league-challenge-week-four-update


Whaleshares and SMOKE are tokens are on BitShares. So make sure you have a BitShares Wallet to receive and send them for upvotes on your Steem posts (Whaleshares) and to support the VOICESHARES mission.

Download Bitshares Wallet

Thank you as always for your time and attention.

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