Beat Battle Season Two - Round 2 - New Original Song - 42

Beat Battle Season Two - Round 2

Round Two Entry - New Original Song - 42

Equipment Used:

- Ableton audio effects, reverb and etc.
- The Beats - Hand Crafted By Yours Truly
- The Synths & Instruments - VPS Avenger
- The Bass - VPS Avenger
- Master EQ & Effects - iZotope Neutron 2
- The Final Cut - Old School - Goldwave Audio Editor

The theme of this challenge is Space Elevator, and since this all hypothetical, I am taking my space elevator to the Heart of Gold and will be on my way. You will find me kickin back with Ford and Dent having a few shots of something or another, waiting on the Infinite Improbability Drive to take us where ever. :-)

This is for all you hitchhikers out there, you know who you are. I slowed this down from my usual faster pace and tried to come up with something trippy to fit the theme, with a lil bit of bounce, and this is what ya get! I hope that you enjoy it.

You can view the The Ultimate Elevator video on DTube: Click here
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