"2001 Shades of Psycho" by Trash Juice (Funky Rock Electronica satiric music video)

One Media® presents "2001 Shades of Psycho" by Trash Juice (Funky Rock Electronica music video)

"2001 Shades of Psycho"

Funky Jazz Rock Electronica in a satirical music video juxtaposing psycho social themes from three different movies ...

One Media® humbly submits its Steemit Music League #beatbattle season two, round five (S2:R5) entry accordingly paying tribute to three EPIC MOVIE SOUNDTRACKS ...

Trash Juice recorded this tune on Monday, March 19, 2018 featuring themes from three movie soundtracks juxtaposed along with the video comprising a montage of scenes from those movies. The overarching theme of this music video relates to the theory of 'behavioral sink' in that, even as intelligent, sentient beings, most humans act upon basic survival instinct, and thus despite technological advancement and our 'sentience', the species' behavior on the whole can largely fit within mechanistic deterministic constructs as applied to the study of other social species.

Daddy issues, Mommy issues, and all sorts of other sociological and psychological pathology satirically wrapped up in one funky spanking good time...

The tune starts out with the introductory theme from Richard Strauss' Also Sprach Zarathustra which, not only was popularized in contemporary Western culture by its appearance in Stanley Kubric's 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey (film), but also Strauss titled the theme from Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophical novel of the same name. Most appropriately in this work, Nietzsche began an exploration of a philosophical project of 'Revaluation of All Values' appropriate here, when one considers the remaining content of this satirical music video. Unfortunately, although also fitting this present music video in its pastiche of psychological and moral contemplation, Friedrich Nietzsche suffered psychotic episodes throughout the last decade of his life.

From Strauss we next proceed to the "What are you waiting for?" lyric instrumentally voiced here, from the soundtrack of "50 Shades of Grey", a movie so popular in this present day it hardly needs description, other than to point out that its theme is one of Bondage, and Sadomasochism, Female Hypergamy, and the abuse dynamic in interpersonal relationships. Unbeknownst to perhaps the majority of its viewers, the film at least indirectly addresses Nietzsche's Revaluation of All Values by posing the question, if we may put it in vulgar vernacular, is 'marrying up' worth getting your ass routinely beat?

Finally we end up with screeching violins alluding to Alfred Hitchcock's 1960 film, 'Psycho' as the composer of the present piece thought, well, 'Daddy issues' could beget 'Mommy issues' likely through trans-generational abuse patterns, just to have a balanced perspective for both the ladies and the gentlemen in the audience. Thus we can alternately play our victim cards all the way back to Adam and Eve, and hence the present music video and this description thereof 'goes full circle' back to the opening scene from 2001: A Space Odyssey, 'Dawn of Man'.

Happy listening!

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