"Love Bomb" by Trash Juice (Electro-Acoustic Cyber Funk Rock Electronica streaming mp3)

One Media® presents "Love Bomb" by Trash Juice (Electro-Acoustic Cyber Funk Rock Electronica streaming mp3)

"Love Bomb"

Downtempo Electro-Acoustic Cyber Funk Rock Electronica with a heavy Breakbeat/Dubstep bass and, of course, a drop or two ... ;-)

One Media® humbly submits its Steemit Beat Battle League #beatbattle season two, round three (S2:R3) entry befitting a theme, "The Beat Drop."

Yep, bombs dropping throughout this ditty. To use obsolete recording engineering terminology, 'pegged the VU meters' getting the bass to be boss, that little extra 'oomphf' just wouldn't come through without totally crushing the bottom end ... So any comments about, "Gee, sounds like it was recorded a bit on the hot side...", just may be met with sarcasm, if not a terse self-referential quip to this present blog ... My apologies in advance to folks not quite prepared for the heights ( or depths ;-) one could reach during ... "That moment in the beat when the whole mood changes and you can feel the energy reaching a climax."

That heavily modulated/distorted bass is something often associated with Dubstep, or the Electronica referred to 'Hardcore' or maybe Hip Hop/Gansta Rap ... and then someone in another comment section mentioned 'Breakbeat'. With this explosion of Electronica (ok, 'Love Bomb' pun intended) genres in the early 21st Century, one can only expect these genres to get mixed, matched, and general distinctions to get blurred as time goes on ...

The vocals, the Baroque Soprano Recorder, the Bongitos before the breakout/break into the Violin section, and the violin was recorded using a Sennheiser MD421 microphone. A Korg T1 provided the string bass patch, drums and orchestral percussion patches, and the screaming electric guitar patch. The PAiA Gnome provided practically all of the electronica including the Bass Bombs, with the exception of a clackety looping percussive sound provided by the SIDnth prototype (Commodore 64, 6581 Sound Interface Device chip-based) synthesizer.

Stream/download the mp3 on sale now!

Happy listening!

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