Steemit Beat Battle Week 1 Entry @ty2nicerva

Hello all!
This is Ty coming at you from the RVA Lab with my week 1 Beat Battle Entry.File Jul 31, 11 10 47 PM.jpeg

I used sounds from both of the songs to make this beat. Every sound in this beat came from these songs and I sampled no loops. This is how I did it and what I used.

First I made a drumkit from the JB record (of course), by totally chopping it up at every threshhold of the wav. Then I layered them and organized them into a drumkit. I also got the classic heeeeey and I turned JB's classic scream into a siren type sound.

Second I chopped up the second song where I got bass sounds, vocals, and strings and arranged them into a kit as well in the mpc.

Then I sequenced each sound in the MPC onto seperate tracks (14 tracks)

Last I imported the seperate tracks into Ableton, did an arrangement, and a quick rough mix with UAD and Slate plugins.

For visuals I animated some pics of JB and added my logo. Nothing too fancy.

So this is my beat below. A lil mellow and jazzy with a little edge to it. I'm probably going to post a seperate video of me making it once I get time to edit so Youtube wont flag it.

Thanks for your time,

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