Beautiful Sunday ~ Amazing cyclicity of a good day

Hello dears!


Have you ever thought about the fact that everything in our life is cyclical? Just as the sun rises in the East and passes its circle through the sky to go beyond the horizon in the West. And in the morning it begins its eternal cycle again. I watch everything happen in nature all the time. And I find that in a person's life, certainly, everything is arranged in the same way. And although humanity is trying to get away from the natural and primitive natural structure of their lives, building huge megopolises, inventing machines and robots, we still remain part of nature. We remain the children of nature, and we repeat its eternal cycles over and over again.


Human life is similar to the seasons. The birth of a new life, like spring sprouts, making their way through the remains of snow melt. Youth, with a thirst for love and joy, rapid flowering and beauty, and freshness, as the may garden. Everything goes on, and no matter how much you resist it, you lose. Nature takes its course, it continues its cycle. And I think it's wonderful.


You can get anything you want from life. You just need to adjust your cycle correctly. Now, thinking about it, I rediscovered the phrase " loop on something." Indeed, it works. People tuned in to the negative, he "focused on failure", and that he is a problem solver and sadness in my life. Well, if you on the contrary, tune in to the good, you will certainly include in your life "positive Cycle".

It is with the mood for a positive cycle you need to start your day. And we did it today. This Sunday was truly rich, interesting and beautiful. It had a stunning sunrise, a delicious Breakfast, a cheerful folk festival, and a bright Golden sunset. And it had that very positive cycle that I'm talking about.

~ Sunny pancakes for a delicious start to the day ~



Cycle - gives me an Association with the circle. Everything goes in a circle, endlessly and perfectly right. As it should. A positive cycle is a movement in a clockwise direction, in the natural motion of the sun. But the negative negative movement is the wrong reverse. It's a movement against the sun. And thinking about it, I see so many circles in nature, around me.

~ Ancient holiday ~

No wonder all the important traditions and rituals of my people are somehow connected with the circle, and it is not only a symbol of the sun. But perhaps this tells us about the Cycle. Maybe our ancestors understood this special structure of nature and human life in it, their connection and continuous interaction. So I think that the negative thinking of a person triggers in his life the wrong cycle of failure. And maybe all problems can be solved by working on your thoughts first. Our subconscious mind is capable of much. It is on the subconscious level that we still have the strongest connection with nature and the universe. Start working on starting positive thinking, starting a "positive cycle" in your life, and you will notice changes for the better.

Today we visited the festival dedicated to the ancient Slavic holiday "Ivan Kupala".
Ivan Kupala (Midsummer day, Midsummer night) — a folk festival of the Eastern Slavs, dedicated to the summer solstice and the highest flowering of nature. It is a holiday of youth, love and joy. On this day the girls wonder at the groom. It is customary to weave beautiful wreaths of wild flowers, jump over the fire and swim at night in the river. It is an ancient holiday that is almost forgotten nowadays. But it is also full of symbols of the "Eternal cycle of life".




~ Quiet evening ~

Evening nature subside. One cycle is completed, to tomorrow began a new.Just watch the world around you, and try to get into its rhythm. Try to tune in to the perfect right cycle, the cycle of the sun, nature and life.





Thanks for reading. My thoughts are sometimes so amazing. I'm glad I can share them with you. See you soon! I wish you a good new week, in a positive cycle.



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