Beautiful Sunday ~ Photo shoot in nature

Hello dears!

Today I want to tell you about the intricacies of a photo shoot in nature.


1. Place. It must be a beautiful, clean place. But also it should be neutral, and not take all the attention. Still, the person is the main object in such a photo shoot, and more attention should go to him, and the place only complements the frame. Forest, Park, flower meadow, river Bank or beach - this is the perfect background for a photo shoot in nature.


2. Time of day. The best time for a photo shoot in nature is a Golden hour before sunset or sunrise. You can see the beginning of this time in your area on special sites. Just type in the Google query and you will be able to find out this time to the minute. Why is this important? It's all in the light. Photography is drawing with light. And the better the lighting, the more deep and voluminous your photo will be. Before sunset, the light is soft, enveloping, making each object special and refined. This light adds charm to the pictures.


3 . Clothes. Neutral light colors are what you need. Pay attention to the cut. For a photo shoot in nature are not suitable strict classic dresses, business suits, etc. It's got to be something simple, flying, light fabric. Something that will play coquettishly with the wind, and emphasize the figure. Or it can be a walking Hiking version of the type jeans/t-shirt, backpack/sneakers. The choice of clothes depends on the style of the planned photo shoot .



4. Photo opportunities. Natural posing in motion is the best option, in my opinion. Move, get better hair, smile, breathe a mouth, get up on socks or even slightly dance. Do not be afraid to seem funny, and always remember about the flat back and slightly retracted belly.


5. If you are photographing a group of people, then let them interact with each other. Hugs, kisses, games in motion-all this looks much more interesting and natural than the footage in which the whole family stands straight and looks at the camera. And always remember about the rules of harmonious composition, helping people when posing.




Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you will find my advice useful for your beautiful photo shoots in nature. I wish You a wonderful Sunday and a lot of joy in it! I'll see you soon!






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