Temples - The House Of The Lord

Cedar City Temple

Last week we had a look at the second Temple built by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and it's revolutionary architecture. This week we will look at similar architecture but mixed with a modern feel.

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The Temple was announced on April 6, 2013 but several months earlier the church had already planned to buy the land it was going to be built on, in September 2012 the property was subdivided into three large blocks, in November the church purchased the west side block of 21 acres for the Temple to be built.

Ground breaking was done August 8, 2015 and plans to complete the Temple are for October, 2017 then the building will be open to the public for viewing. The open house will run from October 27 - November 18 of this year.
If you would like to know more please follow the hyper link lds.org

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I hope you have a blessed week

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