Temples - The House Of The Lord

Paris France Temple

This is one of the newest Temples to be constructed and dedicated for the church.

President Thomas released an official statement on July 15, 2011, that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints hope to build a temple on the outskirts of Paris.

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President Monson gave his Conference announcement on October 1, 2011, in the 181st Semiannual General Conference. After reading a list of several new temples, he stated, "in addition we're moving forward on our plans for a temple to be built in Paris, France."

Construction was of warm-toned limestone with characteristics resembling limestone used in the Le Chesnay and Versailles regions. It is one of the four Temples that do not have a spire or a statue of the Angel Moroni.

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I was intrigued by this Temple not because of the architecture but due to the stained glass used in the window arrangements, and the fact that the open house allowed for interior photos that could be taken, to give you a better idea on what the inside of these Temples look like.

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I still like the architecture of the exterior of the building but the interior is just breath taking and attention to detail precise.

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Hope you have a blessed week.

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