A Father's Love

One article said a good father should have these 6 attributes; forgiving, attentive, teacher, hopeful, encourager, reliable. Everyday, I thank God for blessing me with men who have them all. Tonight, as we cap off the day father's are celebrated, I'd like to let the whole world know just why these people should be recognized.

My Husband.

He is the guy with the biggest heart, most loving, most forgiving, most understanding. While everyone thought he would never settle, he did. And he's running his family with flying colors.

The kids' smiles are every proof we need to know they appreciate and love their father.

Life was not easy for him. With a sick mother working for their future alone in another country, he's always had the feeling he could have done more. Everyday he feels like he has to take the blame. I'm glad my mother in law insists he has done more than a son could to make her feel better. And I see that too.

He is responsible. He never goes to sleep without making sure we got all we need. Including that pair of fresh pjs. He lets us hold the remote control, pick the restaurant we want to eat, helps at house chores. He is something. And I always pray and thank God that he turned out to be ready for fatherhood.

My Father.

He grew up with not much privilege but, he was raised to know how to survive despite not having so much. With the experience he had growing up, he made sure his kids wouldn't experience the same.

There were many times we almost fell apart but through his willingness to preserve what he has, he keeps bouncing back and ready to do everything needed to fix what needs to be fixed.

Even when my mother was also earning for us, he didn't see it as a chance to slack off. He worked and made sure he's got what my mom and us need. He didn't sleep in the afternoons, he couldn't. Because, he just wouldn't stop thinking about providing for us.

When times got rough, my mother would always tell him to not worry and just do his thing. He could have left her and didn't mind but he stayed even at her last breath.

Working every role there was to make sure there's food on the table.

He isn't perfect but he makes up for it by loving us. And by loving us means getting all our needs covered. Not just material needs but affection and care and assurance that we'll never be alone in any battle.

Any man can help make a child, but it takes a special man to help raise a child. He must be selfless. He must be RESPONSIBLE. He must be reliable. He must be a role model.

Happy Father's Day to the men who are being real fathers.

Snaps of our celebration done two different Sundays

First celebration while my father is around because he's not always here.

Enjoying Japanese food prepared in front of us.

Looks like the kids got tired easily than their grandpop.

Father's day celebration for John.

With some good old American food.

And quite a cinematic experience watching Jurassic World in 4D.

Thanks for reading!


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