Lunch is Served!

Philippines, being an archipelago surrounded by bodies of water sure is abundant with seafood. From shellfish to sea plants, and just about any edible aquatic life. And as Filipinos love to eat, here's sharing with you our #beautifulSunday.

This is our continuation of last week's #beautifulSunday. Remember, we had the whole morning for hearing mass and some animal watching at Reptile-X?

It is very seldom that my family and JayR's get to spend some time and this time outside of our comfort zones. Thus after an hour or so of walking, we headed to the famous Seafood Paluto Restaurant.

Here you will find rows and rows of fresh shrimps, seashells, oysters, crabs, seaweeds, etc.,

This is a whole area of restaurants lined up behind stalls selling fresh seafood. You first start at the stalls to look for the seafood you like. Most of the time, these stalls are also owned by the restaurants behind them but you can also choose from others who may offer cooking with less service charge. Some also have their own KTV rooms so you may enjoy singing while waiting for your food.

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Since we were all tired from walking, plus the long wait of getting a spot at the parking lot, we settled at the first stall on the first block. This place has about 5 blocks of restaurants with seafood stalls that you won't run out of choices.


The place has been commercialized that prices of seafood are way more than when you buy them from the local market. I can't even tell if the ambience adds up to the high costs of the food and service charge. Probably, because they are marketing on people's love for seafood. And it's very seldom you get them fresh at the local market.

Although we settled at the first stall, we went to walk around while waiting for the food to get cooked.



Finally, the waiter buzzed that our food was ready. Time to chow!

Squid in Oyster Sauce

Clams in Ginger Soup

Breaded Shrimp

Baked Garlic Oysters

Not in the pictures are the many cups of rice we consumed. You know just how Filipinos love rice!

I hope y'all had a #beautifulSunday!

Thanks for reading!

Jonah (and John)

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