Take a Break and Play With Them

We're taking a break from nice places and fancy restaurants on our weekly #beautifulSunday episodes. This week, we took into consideration, Mrs V's situation. She's had her migraine for five days and we didn't want to stress her out by going somewhere. Surely, it doesn't have to be anywhere to experience #beautifulSunday. Sometimes, the beauty is at your comfort zones.

This week, I sat down to have nice conversations with the kids. My son couldn't take his mind off from the spelling bee elimination rounds last Friday. I could see just how much he wants to be in. He worked hard for it. I really hope he gets in.

My daughter, being so young, has all things toys in her mind. When we drove around to get Jonah some medicines, we talked about her favorite toys. How she feels that Mommy can't play with her lately and how her brother has been busy with his spelling bee. I promised her on our way home that we will play.

When we got home, she was excited to tell her brother we were playing. Kiero was still into worrying about how the eliminations went. I called him to join but he decided he'd read a book instead.

"Knock, knock..." Her tiny voice started the play pretend. Then the pretend conversation went on and on, with what's for lunch and the tiny visitors coming in and how she's saving up to get her extension for the doll house.


Oh yeah, this is her Sylvanian Doll House. She's always cried about this during our trips to toy stores. Because, really, it's beautiful. But, along with it's beauty is a hefty price. This starter play house is $60. I didn't buy her that and she knows why. Her aunt bought her that last year. And boy, was she the happiest.


She talked about getting her Sylvanian bunny a blue car, that's another $30. And a cozy beach house for a little less than $100. I need to find sponsors, I thought!


But, if you look at this toy, you'd understand just why it is priced that much. Every inch of the house has intricacies. Polished every detail. The stove resembled that one we have in our kitchen. It was as if my house was remodeled in its scale. Every detail correctly captured. I'm sure if I were a young girl, this would be my dream toy too!


If I were that bunny, I'd be the happiest to have such house.


"Time to eat! Don't let the food wait!" Sounds sooo much like her mommy. Well, I don't want to keep her waiting, so off to the mini dining table I go.

Thanks for reading!

John (and Jonah)

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