They're Only Little For A While


As I write this, I'm seated in a little gazeebo alongside some parents and baby sitters of kids from my son's school. My son's bestfriend, Kianna turned 8 last Wednesday. It was their spelling bee day so Marian, (Kianna's mother) had her celebration done on this #beautifulSunday.


My son Kiero has been friends with Kianna since preschool days. Lately, girls have outnumbered boys in classes. This year, there are only 3 boys in their class. Kiero is also friends with the other boys from his class and from other classes too. The reason that Kiero and Kianna became this close was made by the many times they have represented their school to Math and Science quiz and spelling bees. They were both academically competitive. They also have the same taste with the books they read. There are times when I'd see a book I refused to buy Kiero at home only to find out Kianna let him borrow hers. I'm glad my son who is very shy found a friend in her.

Taken last Wednesday at the backstage of the Spelling Bee event.

As I stare at these kids, I can't help but thank heavens for giving them parents who would do everything for them to have a comfortable life. I admire parents who works hard to provide for the little ones but I look up to parents all the more when they can balance work and life.



Last Wednesday, while waiting for the spelling bee to start, I had a good talk with Kianna's father. He and his wife had to call in sick because they couldn't miss Kianna's event. Today, as I sit in this gazeebo, I hear baby sitter complains about having to baby sit on a Sunday. I know the parent must've a good excuse for not being here today, after all it's just a party. And, because yes, some months ago, I was that mother, who was busy at work while the kids were in a party with their nanny. Now, even more, it made me realize just how blessed we are. To be able to support our kids and still be with them most of the time.

Children, Family - they are your reason why you work hard. But it shouldn't take your time away from them. They are not distractions from important work - they are important work.



Spend time with your kids because they're only little for a while. Laugh, cry, learn, be happy together. One day, they'll remember all the memories you have but not the things you bought them.

Thank you for reading!

Jonah (and John)

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