#beautifulsunday Do you have any Sunday Rituals?

Since i am spending most of my time in front of a computer screen, while working on my startup, a photography community on Steem blockchain BeScouted at least once in a week i have to leave my apartment and go work some place outside.

I already feel i am becoming unsocial weirdo so this is something to keep me connected to a real world outside :)

The day was quite warm considering it is November and we even were lucky to get a few rays of sun, which are not visible in the picture. Black and white finish better reflects that actual ambient mood and these were first people i have met on my way to a place of my Sunday ritual.

Love the way how that tall fellow bends to avoid collision with this awesome elderly couple that decided to enjoy some fresh air too.

Narrow spaces make people to get closer to each other.

This beauty has more space inside than that curb probably. I wonder if guys in there hug each other as often too or not.

And this is a coffee shop where my Sunday ritual happens. I love it for a nice atmosphere, and big windows if i manage to get a table near one of them.

A few times i have bought this guy a cup of hot coffee and a pastry, as we never know when we could be sitting next to him. But today the man was wasted.

As I've said i love the atmosphere of the place, that staff and the music that is spinning on an old school vinyl. And everybody is connected. Not sure if i can do a lot of socializing there :)

What a hell... Socializing does not matter since i have got my coffee and my desert.

And i got my favorite seat near the huge window that overlooks the street Got my pc set up and i can start socializing now lol

In fact i have even talked to a few real people. This gentleman remind me of one user from Steemit and i asked him maybe he was on Steemit. He said he wasn't and uses internet to watch movies on Netflix and read. But since he reads he knew what Bitcoin was. And today he also learned what Steemit is. :)

In the end he just looked at me over his eyeglasses with the question: "Where all that money does come from?" and went back to Netflix :)

What is your Sunday ritual if you have one/

don't click me


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