Our friends, very busy people, managed to flee a week at a sea holiday. The incident makes the lady who took care of the house had to leave also to solve some important problems. You know such unpleasant coincidences! So our friends were about to give up their vacation and here we start our role (my wife and I). We offered to stay at home for as long as they were gone.
They live about 20 km away from Bucharest, in a large house in a small village.
Their home has a huge garden, at least for Romanian and city standards. Their garden has over 10,000 square meters and we have a garden of 100 square meters in town.
That's not all, they have now nine dogs !!!
I said they now have nine dogs because in the past they were twenty-five! All the dogs were saved from death and cared for, all were dogs abandoned by their owners or dogs sick or injured by cars. Over time, they have disappeared naturally because of their age.
Now we have no dog anymore, and we have to adapt to the new situation. We have to feed them! I like cooking and this problem has been solved easily.
Well, I thought it would be easy but it was not easy to cook every day for the nine dogs that would eat all the time!
Beyond that, the joy and pleasure you see in these dogs and the constant gratitude for taking care of them makes the day beautiful.
After we have done our duty and fed everyone we have to make our stay pleasant. My wife sat in the shade of trees to read and I took my camera and went to the garden to see what was hiding in the grass.
This photo is for @melinda010100, she is passionate about the shadows - see the challenge she is hosting.
Looking after the flower I noticed some butterflies flying from flower to flower and thus they became the theme for my next photo ...
I'm sure you already know ... all the while I was watched with interest by my new four-legged friend who had finished eating and had nothing else to do!
I think everyone was thinking about me that I was going crazy running for butterflies. They probably thought people were going out of the way if they didn't eat on time!
So I spent this Sunday in a big and beautiful house.
With the twilight our friends came back from vacation. This is the end of this beautiful and sublime Sunday, sublime day because it reminded us of the joy of having dogs. I forgot!