Beautiful Sunday

This is my post for #beautifulsunday initiated by @ace108

Oh, beauty! What a day it turned out to be! The weather could not have been any more perfect for October! I will admit it, I have such a love/hate relationship with Autumn. It is with great love that I say this for today is autumn, however, soon, winter will be upon me. But, that is for me to worry about another day. Today is my beautiful day.

I set out on a hike through the Shenandoah Valley, the weather could not have been any more perfect today. It looked cold out, but the sun touched my face, caressing my cheeks with her warmth. The leaves crunched under my feet as I made my way to a vantage point, looking down upon the valley. The beauty of the colors, the smells mingling together, the farms and the autumn, creating a unique emotional response from my soul.

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The leaves are backlit by the afternoon sun. A brilliant shade of beautiful.

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The enigmatic peak of the golden glory in the Shenandoah National Park has come - and some of it is already gone. Some have faded or taken to blowing the way of the wind, gently cascading on the mountaintops, but, it was still worthy of another look-see. Soon, we will hear old winter's song, but, just for the moment, the hills are alive with color.

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So, stop, have a glass of refreshments and let us take in the rest of the day's glory while we can. Today was a most beautiful day, filled with sunshine and happiness - with a side of sublime. Happy #BeautifulSunday!

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