The end of the most successful tourist season ever in Croatia

It's a rainy day and all these clouds on the sky are he signs that all is over for this year.

The wind was crushing parasols on the beach whole night. Last time we had a real rain was in April and since that there were only few raindrops from the sky from time to time, showed up just to say hello.

I don't wear shorts today, I don't even think about jumping in the sea and only few days ago I was diving for mussels.

But it is a perfect day to sit at the table with other members of my family and count the profit of this tourist season.

All accommodations in my house were taken rom July 10th to September 1st, and we have capacity for 20 people in 4 apartments and two family rooms (those would be like apartments but without kitchen, good for young people). Now the house is almost empty, with his family is still here, enjoying the time in Croatia without any crowd. His kids are making this house still look alive and it is very wise to come here at this time of year. The sea will be warm again for a day or two, but beaches will not be crowded and there will no be any mess in traffic as we had the whole summer.

Now let's see some stats about tourism in Croatia this year and compare them with stats from the last year.

In 2016, we had more than 16.3 tourists who came in Croatia and more than 91 millions overnight stays. Only in August last year (August is the most profitable month here), we had 4.1 millions tourists and more than 29 millions overnight stays. I had to take the stats for August because the 2017 is not over yet and I can't compare the results with those from the whole 2016. So, in August 2017 we had 4.7 millions of tourists with more than 33 millions of overnight stays. From that 4.3 millions of overnight stays in August only in my county.

Our offer grows by each year, the quality of accommodation and content is going better and those numbers speak for themselves. t is not only the warm sea that attracts people to come here, or awesome National Parks, or delicious domestic food and vine... no, that's the same for each year! The point is the modernization and improving our offer and hospitality.

Now, when the season ended, excavators and bulldozers will come out to start reparation for the next season...

The beach in front of my house was a wild coast a year ago, now it is a very nice beach and we will have to rise our prices for next year. So, if anyone wants to book for the next year anywhere in Croatia, do it now, because it is not important when you are coming, it's important when you booked.

For an hour or two my grandma will call me to come down to her place to count the money... so can I tag this as #beautifulsunday?

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