Beautiful Beach Day For Bocce

Bocce or Bocci

Bocce (the plural of the Italian word boccia, means 'to bowl' as in bowling) balls can be made of metal or various kinds of plastic. The game can be between two players, or two teams of two, three, or four players.

The match is started by a randomly chosen side being given the opportunity to throw the smaller ball or the jack it can also be called a boccino ('little bocce') or pallino ('bullet') to the other side of the court. The ball must stay within a certain zone 5 meters or 16 ft in length. If after two attempts the team does not get the ball to stay within that zone the next team can place it anywhere within the zone.

The team that first attempted to place the boccino is then given the opportunity to bowl first. Once the first bowl has taken place, the other team gets one bowl. From then on, the side which does not have a large ball closest to the boccino has a chance to bowl, up until one side or the other has used their four balls.

This particular court is located at Hallandale Beach in South Florida.

Beautiful Sunday Challenge -

RULES by @ace108
美丽星期天行动 - 新规则

"Post must be posted on Sunday and include the #beautifulsunday tag though it need not be in the first tag.
Post must have at least 2 colour images. Why? Because Monochrome is for Monday.
Post must have content that you are telling a beautiful story in the form of text or video.
The story does not have to be something you do on Sunday but if it is, then it will be good if you mentioned that somehow.
If you can pop in a link to your #beautifulsunday post into the #beautifulsunday post, it will ensure your post is not missed.
Between Tuesday to Saturday day @ace108 will randomly choose up to 3 winners that have told a beautiful enough story to give them free steem.
No limit to the number of posts"


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