Beautiful Sunday - Menu for the Day

This is my share for #BeautifulSunday initiated by @ace108

On Sundays, I am usually in the office or I stay at home to recuperate. The best thing I could share would be my ride home or our lunch for today.

Our viand was fried galunggong. I simply breaded it with corn starch and pan fried it. We bought this from the City market for 100 Pesos or 2 USD.


Fried eggplant. This is best with bagoong or shrimp paste. We bought the eggplant for 30 Pesos or 0.60 USD. It was deep fried until soften. Yum yum...


The left over...
This is misua with meatballs. This was a left over from yesterday. It used to be a soup but gone dry because the misua noodles absobs liquid. And also the heating process lessen the liquid in the food. This is best with soy sauce + calamansi. Since this is a left over I will mark this one FREE. hehe


Sunday is family day. It's either we spend it at home or spend it somewhere else. As long as we are together, it will be the best days for us.

Sometimes I work on Sundays but that's not a problem. I am already home at 4:00 PM Philippine time. We can still do so much. I play with my boy all the time. I do not want to miss a single moment of his childhood that I will regret when I get old.

"To be a good father and mother requires that the parents defer many of their own needs and desires in favor of the needs of their children. As a consequence of this sacrifice, conscientious parents develop a nobility of character and learn to put into practice the selfless truths taught by the Savior Himself." - James E. Faust source

Thank you for reading. Have a blessed Sunday everyone!!!

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