Home at Last - Beautiful Sunday

Since I have work on Sundays, my share for Beautiful Sunday, initiated by @ace108, will probably always be my way home.

Today, I rode a motorcycle to and from the office. It is only roughly 20 minutes on way drive. On my way home, I observe the and look for interesting things and/or people to share.

This guy is the only one that really caught my attention.
IMG_20180311_152144.jpgI think he's going to a practice to prepare for a big event.

Nothing much to share today aside from the hot weather and traffic. Good thing I am on my motorcycle and pass through small spaces.

By the way, I stopped at my old school.
IMG_20180311_152917.jpgYes I am wearing pink helmet. hahahaha

It was a smooth ride home. I got home safe and sound to my son and wife.

Thank God for guiding me on my way home.

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