BeautifulSunday - initiated by @ace108 -

This is my entry for the BeautifulSunday challenge, initiated by @ace108:

Photos: East Timor, the crocodile island.

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It's not in vain that East Timor is called the crocodile island. The first reason is the tale accordingly to which the island was born from a crocodile that was wandering in the sea, and then stopped and transformed itself into a rock that became the island.

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The second reason is the fact that the country is the home of salted water crocodiles and the Timorese venerate them (they call it avô, or grandfather), considering them sacred.

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Last, the mountains often take a crocodile-like shape. Like these ones I've taken in several locations, all resembling crocodiles or crocodile heads.

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Photos taken by me.

To know more about this challenge check out this link: @ace108/2sihzf-beautifulsunday-powered-up-winners-for-the-week-with-help-of-steemsql-or-steemsql-by-ace108

Thanks @ace108 :)
Have a great Sunday, my friends.


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