An adventure at the desert, Morocco - #BeautifulSunday and #SublimeSunday :)

This is my entry for the #BeautifulSunday challenge, initiated by @ace108. Thanks, my friend!

And, discovering this new challenge, I'm also posting today inspired by #SublimeSunday, a tag from @c0ff33a! Thanks!

Today I'm writing about our short, but intense, adventure in the desert of Morocco.

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We traveled by bus throughout the immense and astonishing landscape of the Atlas that lead us to the desert, the Sahara.

Let me show you some of the views we had on the way. Aren't these views amazing?

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When we arrived, our hosts, from the Berbere tribe, were waiting with the camels to take us to the camp where we would spend the night.

The tents were comfortable and heated, as we would know that the night coming would be cold. And it was, really!

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We had dinner outside, in a big tent, all together, and the food was typically Moroccan: tajine, grilled lamb, and rice. For drinks, we had the rich and intense berbere tea. It's a spicy tea, very strong, to the point they called it their alcohol! I loved it! I love tea and love experiencing new flavors. I strongly recommend it ( I bought some so I can drink in the cold winters when I am in Portugal).

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Then, the party began. Around a fire, the berbere sounds and song took over the night. We sang, we danced, till late at night! The night was freezing and dark, just punctuated by the moon and the stars!

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This was really exciting, seeing a true berbere life intense scene just before our eyes!

Next morning we went back at the sunrise. Just check out the colors! Aren't they amazing?

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My kids! I just had to put their pic!

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I wish one day to repeat this adventure in the desert, but in a longer and deeper experience, as I had, long time ago, in Mauritania!

All photos were taken by me.

I hope you all enjoyed the visit :)

Thanks, @ace108 and @c0ff33a :)
Have a great Sunday, my friends.

Hippiesoul @nolasco



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