#BeautifulSunday and #SublimeSunday :) - It's my birthday and do what I want to...! ❤️

This is my entry for the #BeautifulSunday challenge, initiated by @ace108. Thanks, my friend!

I'm also posting today inspired by #SublimeSunday, a tag from @c0ff33a! Thanks!

And, also today, I'm posting to the Monomad contest by @monochromes, as all the photos are in BW!

marcado taibessi menina 1 bw-3.jpg

marcado taibessi vendedores menino bw.jpg

It's my birthday and the song who came to my mind you the one I'm posting below: "it's my party and I cry if I want to...".

marcado taibessi mae e filho pai bw.jpg

marcado taibessi mae e filho 1 bw.jpg

But I don't want to cry, not at all! On the contrary, I want to celebrate another year of life! And being alive is such a blessing! So I'm reading this song like: It's my birthday and I do what I want to!"

marcado taibessi mae e filho 3 bw-4.jpg

marcado taibessi menino-s bw 1-4.jpg

So let me spam you today with some more shots of the market in Díli I've edited this weekend! Please... I know it's kinda an overdose, as I've been posting these market photos for a while. But it's my birthday and (let me) do what I want to... sharing my passion with you!

marcado taibessi menino-s bw.jpg

marcado taibessi meninos bicicleta bw 1-2.jpg

It's a beautiful and sublime Sunday, and I'm going to celebrate it later with my friends...! But wanted to share with you my thoughts, besides my photos.

Mercado Taibessi meninos 2 bw.jpg

marcado taibessi menina 1 bw-5.jpg

I've been featured in @curie's Author Showcase yesterday and, as I told Curie Curator @randomwanderings (Gene) when he asked me a short statement about myself, "for me, photography is the expression of a life dream, the desire of knowing and getting knowledge. Photography and traveling are the perfect combination, as through them, I can see and capture the wonders of this Earth we call home, and also of its inhabitants, the people and the human condition in it, all different but so equal, their cultures, works, ways of living and daily life."

marcado taibessi menina bw-2.jpg

marcado taibessi menino portrait bw-3.jpg

I've always stated that I don't know what I like to photograph best, as I love to take photos of everything, basically 😂: landscapes, landmarks, street shots, in BW and in colors, macro shots... to sum up, I know what don't like so much to shoot, as food photography or studio photography. But I can't make my mind about what I like best.

marcado taibessi portrait bw-4.jpg

marcado taibessi vendedor chickens portrait bw 1.jpg

But, lately, and slowly, I guess I'm realizing that what I like to photograph best is people, street photography and, most of the times, I like them best when converted in BW more than the rest.

Mercado Taibessi vendedores 25 old woman portrait bw 1.jpg

marcado taibessi homem galo bw-3.jpg

My visit to the market was paramount to realize that: while the other photographers were taking shots of the vegetables, and textures, and so on, my radar was always on the people, on the hustle and bustle of the market.

marcado taibessi homem galo 1 bw-6.jpg

marcado taibessi mae e filho menino bw.jpg

So I took this photos and, as it's my birthday, and I can do what I want to ;), here am I spoiling myself and spamming you with these photos. And later on, I will celebrate life with my friends!

marcado taibessi menina bola bw-2.jpg

marcado taibessi menino ovos bw-4.jpg

Happy birthday to me! Happy Sunday to all my friends out there! Thanks for your support and friendship, you are awesome!

Be blessed and have a wonderful week ahead!

Thanks, @ace108, @c0ff33a, and monochromes :)
Have a great Sunday, my friends!

Hippiesoul @nolasco

My original text and photos. (Canon 5D MkIII).

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