(ENG/PT) BeautifulSunday - initiated by @ace108 - Kids being kids - Crianças sendo crianças

This is my entry for the BeautifulSunday challenge, initiated by @ace108:
Kids being kids
Crianças sendo crianças

(ENG) Kids being kids, in the whereabouts of Bobonaro district, in East Timor. Kids being kids, or maybe not, as they have to learn how to grow fast.

(PT) Crianças sendo crianças, nas redondezas do distrito de Bobonaro, em Timor-Leste. Crianças sendo crianças, ou talvez não, porque em Timor-Leste as crianças têm que aprender a crescer depressa.


(ENG) Many kids in East Timor work since their early ages, like helping their parents at the crops, otherwise they just play around with their self-made toys out of daily objects.

(PT) Muitas crianças em Timor-Leste trabalham desde a mais tenra idade, ajudando os seus pais na agricultura. Ou então brincam com brinquedos que fazem com objetos do dia a dia.


(ENG) They also perform activities by mimicking from their parents, such as fishing, hunting, and cropping.

(PT) Também imitam os pais nas suas atividades, como a pesca, a caça e a agricultura.

miudo com pau.jpg

Photos taken by me.

To know more about this challenge check out this link: @ace108/2sihzf-beautifulsunday-powered-up-winners-for-the-week-with-help-of-steemsql-or-steemsql-by-ace108

I hope this information was useful and interesting.

Thanks @ace108 :)
Have a great Sunday, my friends.


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