Chinese New Year in Lviv ... Beware! Icicles :) Hiking for children's performance ... 7 unforgettable moments my # beautifulsunday

A wonderful Sunday passed today in old center of my Lviv! We saw an interesting sign - the celebration of the Chinese New Year in Lviv. This gave me the feeling that my Lviv unites all people and traditions and I decided to do it and show it to my Chinese friends here :)

Today on the roofs of historical buildings and trees there are a lot of frozen icicles, so you have to walk carefully!

Here we visited the Philharmonic where they watched the beautiful children's fairy tale about Kozi in the musical! Darinka looks with admiration!

The snowy city of Lviv is beautiful! Here you can see the Shevchenko avenue.

And then they were happy and  went home :)


Thanks for the great initiative  BeautifulSunday  by @ace108 

check all posts here BeautifulSunday  

 Thank you, I appreciate your attention!

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