Darynka decided to change the image :) Adult hair style of a little lady ... #Beautifulsunday

So our children grow older ... once I came home and saw that my Darinka had cut her long golden hair! I was in stress! Why? After all, a week ago, she dreamed of such a long hair, as in Rapunzel :) Perhaps life is preparing us for change. So that we gradually become accustomed to the fact that our children have the right to have their own opinions regarding her image, hairstyles, clothes ...

We see that life goes away when our children grow up!

It's the way it was before! I miss her long soft , like a fluff, hair, which became very light color under the influence of the sun in the summer :)

  But I had to accept the changes and we went to the hairdresser to do a hairdo!

She is happy! All women love to change!


Thanks for the great initiative  BeautifulSunday  by @ace108 

check all posts here BeautifulSunday  

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