Beautiful Sunday | 美丽星期天 | Nice walk to lunch & other things | 健身+美食+其他

Today's first day that the clock was switched forward by an hour. It's 12 hours time difference to China instead of 13 hours. It was a very nice day, cold but sunny.

My husband and I decided to walk to our town center for lunch. It's 1:20 mins good walk round trip. We found a nice trail by Charles River that we can go more often in the Summer.

We went to a deli restaurant called The Backroom at Moody's. It's pretty unique, they make their own cheese and meat. You can see the hams and cheese hanging on the wall curing. And you see the meat cutting machine in the restaurant where you can see them cutting the meat.



They have home made chips which is pretty crispy and good. My husband had the Kale sandwich and I had Huevos Rancheros. Both were pretty good. We had great time and were happy to walk our rich lunch off.




When I came home, I spent some time to put up the part 3 for FAQ of [Steem Guideline]. What a great day with so many things accomplished!

今天是夏令时的第一天,时钟调前一小时。现在和国内的时差是12 小时而非13 小时。今天天气虽然很冷但是阳光明媚,所以和老公相约走路去镇中心吃午饭。来回程走了120 分钟。既享受到了美食又达到健身的目的。 而且找到一条在Charles River 边的可以走路的道,夏天可以来那里锻炼。

今天去的餐厅很特别。他们自己制作肉和芝士。所以进店就可以看到挂着的肉和芝士。而且还有可以现场切肉的机器。 他们店里自制的薯片也很不错,非常脆和可口。 我们点了两个菜也非常不错。

回到家后,我才找了点时间发了【STEEM 指南】附录 FAQ 部分之第三篇。很有成就感。:) 真是充实的一天。

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