Beautiful Sunday | 美丽星期天 | Sliding in cold and slippery wood & Watching Super Bowl Game | 林中滑步 | 看橄榄球超级杯赛

My husband and I took a walk in the wood in the cold and cloudy day today. The trails were covered by black ice and were very slippery. At some area in the wood, we had to slide down so we didn't fall. It was not fun walking on the black ice. But it was still cool to get out from the house and did something together with my husband.

For safety reason, we didn't walk for too long. But we decided to drive along the road and got lost. Isn't it part of the adventure? We ended up finding a very nice mini golf court right cross the street from IBM office in Littleton. We'd never been in that area before, will try to find our way back there in summer time. Would be great to try it out.

Tonight's super bowl game. While watching the game and cheering for Patriots, I am writing the post. Isn't it nice?

今天天气寒冷多云,但我们还是决定出去走走。我们到了之前去的一个树林去散步。由于天气寒冷,地上的雪都没有化掉。而且变成冰,让路面非常地滑。很多地方我们得滑动着行走,那样才不至于跌倒。虽然我们喜欢出去走走,但也不想出事故,所以我们没有走很久。但我们也不想马上回家,所以就沿着路一路漫无目的地开下去。很喜欢那种丢失的感觉。我们还发现了一个小型高尔夫球场。就在IBM 的对面。夏天的时候可以回去看看,一定很不错。 今晚是美国橄榄球超级杯大赛,边看边写文章也是一件乐事。





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