đź“· Colorchallenge - SundayPurple: Facts About The DEADLY Stonefish

A bright, hot and sunny week was followed by one of the dreariest weathered weekends we have had in a while. This didn’t stop my little family from enjoying a beautiful Sunday however and while it drizzled with rain, we found ourselves sheltered among colourful coral and luminescent fish. That’s right, we went to our local Aquarium!

The day started off with a hearty breakfast, followed by a stroll around tanks filled with fish, sharks, lobsters and well, a variety of the ocean’s most beautiful creatures. While my toddler went off to “find Nemo”, I took a few snapshots of my favourite discoveries.

This little find is called a Stonefish

The fish takes after its namesake and does in fact look like a stone. They are usually grey or brown and have the appearance of a rugged rock encrusted with brightly coloured coral. The Stonefish I encountered was quite unique in that it boasted PURPLE “stone” patches instead of the more common orange and yellow colours. 

Oh, and I learnt something about this fish too! Did you know that the Stonefish is the world’s most poisonous fish! I read this only after I tapped on the glass, viewing its splendor! But yup, those crusty bits are full of venom, especially the scales along its spine. If you find yourself in a nasty situation where you get jabbed by one of these sea creatures, get yourself to your nearest hospital as soon as possible. Not only does their venom cause extreme pain, but can also result in infectious wounds and heart failure. I knew there was more to this fish than just it’s pretty colours!

5 Interesting Facts About The Stonefish

  1. If a scale of the Stonefish penetrates skin deep enough, its venom can take less than an hour to kill a fully grown human!
  2. They are capable of living out of water for more than 24 hours!
  3. Their venom becomes harmless when heated, making them a delectable dish in some Asian countries.
  4. A Stonefish can produce up to a million eggs at a time, although only a handful survive.
  5. Sharks, Stingrays and other ocean predators find these little guys utterly delicious.

Source: Ushaka Marine World, Durban, South Africa

Who says you have to stay indoors on a rainy day? We not only had a little family adventure and burnt off some steam, but I learnt something new too!

The trip ended off with us finally finding Nemo (thank goodness) and the cherry on the top: ice cream! Ice cream always tastes better on a cold day anyway! Here’s to a new week and new discoveries!

Images by @sweetpea : Samsung S6 Edge

Much love - @sweetpea

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