Snow on the Horizon - #BeautifulSunday Entry

This #beautifulsunday, perfection was falling quietly from the sky in great billowing drifts. Soft crystals of white brushed past my ears as I turned my face to the heavens with a smile. I adore the hush shushing sound that snow makes as it falls: a reminder to seek silence when there seems no answers to be had.

Camera in-hand and three layers of clothing, I trapsed down to the creek through the trees - leaving the safe warmth of our home temporarily behind.


A landscape transformed, great swaths of white draped themselves across tree branches and the creek bank. As the waters of the creek itself became a mirror for the snow still falling, I couldn't help feeling like Alice in Wonderland hurtling down the rabbit hole.


It was a beautiful Sunday full of peace, reverie and photography. I couldn't have asked for a better afternoon.

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