Hauntingly Beautiful - Beautiful Sunday

My Share for #BeautifulSunday initiated by @ace108

A lot of stories hides behind these walls. Tales of whispers and footsteps along the corridors. How would you like to visit a hotel that is said to have been haunted by it's previous occupants. Some of you maybe hesitant to say yes but the place has sparked curiosity, declared as a Historical Site and now visited by tourists daily. Come with me today as we visit a haunted hotel which is...........

Hauntingly Beautiful


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Located at Dominican Hill, Dominican Road in Baguio Philippines which is around 4.5 km or 30 minutes away from the city. The remnants of an old hotel waits for those who are looking for a piece of history or just curious. While we were on a jeepney on our way back to our rented room in the city. We were talking about haunted places in Baguio one of the passengers over heard us. A young lady most likely in her mid 20's told us that if we were looking to visit one of the haunted sites. There is a place up in the hills which she could not remember. She told us that she has been there and she really felt different about the place but could not remember the name. It sounded interesting as I thought it would be a great place to take some photos. As we were about to get off the jeepney she said, "The name of the hotel is Diplomat Hotel".


We got the name of the place and we just need to find directions. The biggest question is, "Is everyone brave enough to go there?" My wife is really not up to it and she is really scared because of the stories she found on the internet. She told me to just go on my own with our son who was very excited. @bearkid was also a bit scared because of the stories that she learned about the place. After an hour in our room which was getting boring my wife said, "Ok let's go". I immediately grabbed my gear as she might change her mind and off we went to the haunted hotel. We asked around and we were directed to take a jeepney ride from the public market in the city. No problems whatsoever looking for the ride going to our destination as everyone in the city was very helpful. We asked the driver to drop us off the Diplomat hotel and we were told that from the drop point we would still need to take a 4-5 minute walk up to the hotel.


We reached out stop and we got off the jeepney. The driver pointed us to the direction, bid us farewell and off he went. Up here the weather is colder than in the city and I found it very agreeable as the kids also love the cold weather.


As we headed up fog greeted us which added to the mysterious environment which surrounded us. A lot of pine trees and the fog thickened as we went further.


We finally reached the top and what we thought to be eerie was replaced with relief as there were a lot of tourist all over the place.


Dominican Hill History

  • Built in 1913 and was completed in 1915
  • First used as a school called "Colegio del Santissimo Rosario" from 1915- 1917
  • Used as a retreat and vacation house by the Dominicans from 1917- 1940
  • Became a refugee center 1940 - 1945
  • The place was damaged by war and rehabilitated from 1945- 1948
  • Used again as a retreat and vacation house in 1948 - 1972
  • Renovated into a hotel called the, "The Diplomat Hotel" in 1972 -1986
  • Used by the Presidential Management Staff from 1986 - 2004
  • Declared a National and Cultural Historic site from 2004 until today


It went thru a lot thru the years and now the entrance to the ruins welcomes everyone.


From the first floor you would see old photos from the Dominicans and some of them shows how the place was looted from 1986 - 2004.




A lobby area where visitors could sit a relax for a while after going thru the place.


Now let's have a look around the ruins and see that in every ruin there is always something beautiful.


In this hotel there are two fountains one in the east wing and one on the west wing. The west wing fountain is still very promising and looks like it could be still restored to it's former glory. A story we have heard about this wing there were two girls who visited late in the afternoon almost closing time. One of them ventured to this wing to take photos and posted them on social media. After a couple of years someone noticed an image of a nun from one of the windows. It was said that during world war 2 a lot of atrocities were committed and a lot of the spirits of nuns a priest still roam the place. Some are very fond of joining in on photos.


A lot of windows around here just let me know if you see something out of the ordinary that I missed. Take a closer look.


A fire place in the lobby cozy place it could have been in the past when it was still a hotel. Ashes piled up maybe someone could still be using it at night.


From the decorations and engravings a beautiful place it must have been. I could imagine some of the rich and powerful stayed here before. Also hard to imagine that it was used as a garrison during war.


The east wing fountain somehow was made operational and thriving with plants of all sorts.


They did a good job maintaining the place and from the looks of it they are still renovating. These wooded accents looks new and placed to make the place look livelier along with the plants.


Venturing I peered thru a window and noticed a chapel inside. Looks clean but not open to the public. Though I would not want to see anyone sitting there right now.


This section on the second floor is also closed. I would have sneaked in but was a bit afraid to find something that doesn't want to be found.


One of the rooms from the second floor in ruins but the floor is clean though. Old paint slowly striping away thru time.


The view from the second floor with old trees who have been witnesses to the hall ways and windows thru the years. With the moss growing on them gives them a character which matches the surroundings.


Must have been a good spot to have some breakfast back then. A hot cup of coffee and a relaxing fountain during its hotel days.


From all the rooms that I checked this is the only room that has a fire place. Could have been the VIP room. Now vandals marking their names on it hoping to be immortalized. Like if someone would care who they were but whose names would just be known as rascals.


The rest room in this room and which is left with nothing but Spin Dog. I was told some kids sneaks in when there are no visitors just fooling around and having fun.


Hall way from the second floor and people are just roaming all over the place. What attracts the visitors here? The history? The photography? I guess it is the stories that haunts the place which attracts the people to the unknown and mysterious.


The roof top on the third floor still has it charms. I could imagine having a romantic dinner here beneath the stars. This place still has so much to give and should be given another chance in life.


The view from the third floor we are high up now and should be more careful.


The chimney from the room we saw earlier blackened with smoke.


The cross on the roof deck with a sign that say, "Off limits to climb up." The cross is breaking apart but still remains as an iconic symbol for this place.



The last level and the highest point here. It's age shows with the plants growing on the rocks. Let's go up and have a look.


The highest point and I could almost see why people come to this place despite the stories. The stories of slamming doors and windows reported by the close neighbors. Apparition of figures walking the hallways at night. Frightening sounds that echoes from the empty rooms.



It has the perfect view to see the city of Baguio, Gothic, mysterious and I could say Hauntingly Beautiful. This is the main reason why they come and it is such a beautiful sight. A little fright is a small price to pay to experience this view from the top.


After going thru the hotel it was time to go home and I was very satisfied. I would have regretted if we did not even try to visit this place. I could say one to cross out on my bucket list.

Visited Haunted Hotel √

But before anything else as we headed back home the sky darkened and the rain fell really hard. As if something wanted us to stay there a little bit longer. As soon as the rain weakened a bit we dashed our way out of the place.

I marked the map and do check it out if you happen to drop by the City of Pines. We certainly got out and so would you.
May you all have a good evening Steemians.


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All photos are original and taken with

Lumix GX85 and 12-32 mm

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