Take Me to Church "St. Mary Magdalene Church" - Beautiful Sunday

My Share for #BeautifulSunday initiated by @ace108

This Church is called "St. Mary Magdalene Church of Kawit" in the Philippines. The construction of the church started in 1737 which is one of the oldest in the Philippines. During the Spanish Era the town of Kawit was frequently visited by Spanish soldiers and was becoming the red light district in the area. To remedy the situation the church was dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene .


The holy water altar greets the church goes with a basin from a giant clam shell.



We can see the age of the church with the patina on the brick walls and plasters. The church endured bombardment during the war and earthquakes. The are still portions of the church where we could still see these scars.


The interior is also stained with patina on the brick walls which brings out the character of the place. The ceiling is also decorated with lacquered wood which is very beautiful.


In churches that I visit the stained glass is what fascinates me the most. In this church there are fourteen windows with stained glass each with beautiful artwork of stations of the cross. Could have made a better shot if the sun was shining thru would have been spectacular but it was a bit cloudy today.




The altars are also magnificent in this place. I see them as depiction of saints in artform. I wanted to get closer to get a better shot but was hesitant as there were people praying at that time. I was a bit worried that some may think of it as disrespectful but this is something I should ask about as I am looking forward to cover a lot of churches in the future.





The four story bell tower is the place I wanted to go to and could have taken a lot of amazing shots. I couldn't find the way up there or who to ask, but I will go back to this place as there were a lot of stuff I still missed.



I hope you enjoyed this walk with me in this #beautifulsunday.
I am not a catholic but I love the architecture, the artwork, the history and most of all going out and sharing experiences.

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