Waiting for Magic Hour - Beautiful Sunday

My Share for #BeautifulSunday initiated by @ace108

Hello Steemians it's been 2 months now since I joined Steemit. Meeting new people and learning new things has been a breath of fresh air for me. My life is slowly moving me away from my monotonous life. Lately I've been wanting to go out more often during weekends rather than just spend the whole weekend watching some movies and sleep all all day.

This weekend I decided to pull my wife and kid to go out to a local beach around the area. Something instantaneous that we seldom do.


Evert time I go to the beach I love roaming around the area and look for shells, driftwood and sometimes fish. Though I would love to go fishing something I have not done for a long time. While waiting for magic hour I decided to gather some shells. From the shells I have gathered I have created this tribute to the community and I'm proud of it lol.


Artwork created by the waves are amazing and I am always on the lookout.



Magic Hour is upon us and my favorite time of the day. I could just sit here and wait until the sun goes down.


I will leave this creation of mine to enjoy the sunset and be swallowed by the waves soon. Maybe my shells would reach a whale somewhere lol.


That's my kid right there and he seems to be enjoying the beauty of this magic time of the day.


One of the cabanas that is slowly being swallowed by the ocean and falling apart thru the years.


This is it my fellow Steemians magic hour! Being touched by the waves and staring at that horizon gives me that feeling of romance with my wife beside me. The gentle breeze and the sound of the waves is music to my ears.


I'll just leave this right here signed by the snake.


I hope you enjoyed spending time with me on the beach in this magical hour. I am glad I have found this community as it gave me a different perspective and enjoy life more in sharing experiences with each other.

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