🐝 Swarm Season - There's A Buzz In The Air - pictures of a swarm being caught.

May to June is typically the time when bees will start swarming and it's probably the most exciting time in a beekeeper's year.

SwarmSeason Title Crop

Swarming is the process by which a new honey bee colony is formed when the queen bee leaves the colony with a large group of worker bees. In the prime swarm, about 60% of the worker bees leave the original hive location with the old queen. (wikipedia)

And so it happened to me a few days ago. I came out to check on the girls and heard the buzzing in the air. The bees were swarming. Here are some pictures:

the swarm is collecting on the outside of the hive
swarm collecting outside of hive

the air is buzzing like crazy
the air is buzzing

there are bees everywhere
bees everywhere

the swarm soon migrates into a nearby bush
swarm migration underway

time to prepare a hive box...
get a hive box ready

...and set a ladder in place
put a ladder in place

the swarm has landed
swarm up close

carefully clip some branches out of the way
carefully clipping branches

and then just quickly shake them off into a bucket
bucket full of bees

and finally empty the bucket into the prepared hive box
welcome to your new home

What an exciting day!

edited: emoji in title; formatting

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