Beer Tasting - Pale Lager ('Jelen' by Apatinska Pivara (MolsonCoors))

No Sunday is complete without a beer tasting, I’ve heard some Steemers say! I could not agree more! Here is another one!

It was a lovely day. I was thinking on how to spend lazy Sunday and run away from busy crowded Zagreb city center.

My girlfriend recommended recreation so we agreed to spend a day at the Lake Jarun. Begrudgingly, I had to accept that that includes a 10 km bike ride, guess who wasn’t all too happy about it.

My butt hurts a lot since I haven’t ridden a bike for 10 years but it was worth it. We stumbled upon this lovely pink rhino! Also, it was cool to feel the breeze of the River Sava.

I was thinking about beer the whole way since I had to keep the pain away.

It suddenly hit me that there is a place called Giraffe right next to the lake where beer is really cheap, a macro beer is only 10 kuna, approximately 1.55$

We have chosen Serbian beer called Jelen, (English for ‘deer’) and sat down to relax and chill with a wonderful view overlooking the lake. This is my first Serbian beer on review!

Perfect ending of a #beautifulsunday.


Jelen by Apatinska Pivara (MolsonCoors)

StylePale Lager
CountryApatin, Serbia
AppearanceLight golden. Clear. Standard lager head which clears in a minute or two.
AromaWhite wine gone bad. Acidic. Sauerkraut..
TasteMedium bitter. Light sour.
PalateEasy mouthful. Medium carbonation. Thin, feels like less than 5% alc which it is. Leaves lasting acidic bitter aftertaste.
OverallSomething to sip behind a supermarket for the entire day. Not good but endurable if push comes to shove.
Score (subjective, personal)7/20

Price: 10 kuna (1.55$) for 0.33l. Bottle at a bar/store, not sure about the status of this shack. Budget.

This review was improved by RateBeer!

Please drink with style and responsibility!

Camera: Cell phone - Moto G4 Plus 16MP

Beer devotees: @kingscrown @meesterboom @beers @uwelang @steemswede @rynow @mk40 - you encourage me to write every day!You can find a lot more beer posts in my blog as well as other posts on various topics. Thank you for all your sharing, caring and upvoting!

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@andrianna painted a deer so I'm featuring her! She also did a beer review recently! Give it a look!

Have you been to Serbia? EXIT festival maybe?

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