What is more harmful, beer or wine?

I want to carry out on a discussion one more subject which more or less often rises in comments of different blogs and just in life situations when it comes about beer among the people far from a beer subject. The other day the next such talk took place. As usual, similar disputes without result come to an end, or departures of each other far and for a long time because opponents don't have basis of the facts with which they can operate, without grounds declaring that, for example, beer is much more harmful, than wine.


Here a standard conversation for an example. Pay attention that I don't argue with the interlocutor on harm of alcohol, per se, and I don't prove to him that it is healthy as a bull. Just I try to find out from what he has taken that beer — the bigger evil, than red dry wine and what he has on this subject of the proof.


*Interlocutor : Don't drink beer! Beer - the evil. And to women it is bad, and to men... 

Beer expert: You shouldn't duplicate myths about beer which you won't be able to prove.

*Interlocutor : I won't prove it, for this purpose there are physicians. I have an experience of drink of frothy beverage, as well as other is extremely extreme. I am silt only beer several years to look what from this will be. Generally good, expensive beer, I ate excellent dishes, the result wasn't pleasant to me. He won't be pleasant at all to anybody who lives a full breast and wants to live fully.And if still has an opportunity to do for example biochemistry and to make other tests, and then even without understanding to compare tens of parameters and so month after month... If to wave on figures and it is stupid to drink to drink to drink... in years this addiction begins to be shown even if you still by inertia lead active lifestyle and you borrows with sport. It is necessary to feel what occurs. Reduction of a dose is only "spreading", problems don't leave anywhere. So I have closed these pages of experiments with myself and I don't come back any more. I can drink beer of course)) And two and three liters and that drank that didn't drink. But extreme it is rare. Time in half a year-year.

Beer expert: So tell us what there occurs at you over the years that should be felt. And we drink that, and we don't guess. And it is still interesting what good expensive beer you drank all this time, and than it is better not such expensive. 

*Interlocutor: And all the best that was approximately to... years four as ceased to drink beer actively, I bought several packagings of a miscellaneous and I tested. Something was brought in the form of gifts. I tested the cheapest same. That the sight didn't get off) As the test was rather long it is possible to tell that so far to you to 40 and later, it is absolutely big differences and on that is long ago the explainable reasons, even adjusted for individual the parameter of the specific person the overall picture says that this product of course can be consumed as tobacco and many other products is consumed, but it is necessary to understand that it gives you, except pleasure.

Beer expert: Here I also want to understand! Tell already, please!

*Interlocutor: I understand sarcasm. To you, how many years? 

Beer expert: Tell, please, without application to my age. 

*Interlocutor: I have already looked. Judging by the vk page. 42. The fine, but dangerous age, is a high time to undergo diagnostics and to be engaged in health. I recommend. Every year metabolism is slowed down and that else somehow keeps begins to hand over and more clearly to be shown just at someone in 40 at someone after 45. It from my observations. If you have been given a mad reserve on health as at such very few to which on some and me has beaten, it will be possible to restart something and to correct if doctors good are. Only it is expensive. I could buy the car a third, and everything has left on treatment. Literary trash long about beer there is no interest to be engaged, not to a serchayta. About him already I told something also sense to repeat I don't see. I have in brief told above in comments, it is enough to think. and there is no desire to think, and to induce sense? There is no sense. Diagnostics, analyses. monitoring. It was interesting to me, I love and I trust not only feelings, but also figures. Both courts and experts, any professional experts trust also only to them)) the adverse party has represented crowd of witnesses and mass of material In the last trial. which tried to take away aside. But papers and figures have sorted things out. Such here pies. Without emotions, as if it wasn't pleasant. Think. I to you not the enemy) Both this your health and your life. I perelistnut the pages and just I impart experience with you.

Beer expert: You already wrote so many words, but nothing specific except intimidations with general words, I saw. For this reason also the age didn't begin to speak as what you just wrote was too predictable. 

*Interlocutor: Yes, it is final. I understood that it is senseless to you to try to inform literally from the first offer in the first comment. But there is no harm in trying) it is possible to Speak about influence on the specific person and to speak based on the real figures received for considerable time. To what I try to move you. I threw out piles of the excess at the end of 2015. As I collected all checks and receipts and transport and away, several boxes of such good accumulated. It already wasn't necessary here at all and got rid of everything at once. Saws to 400 liters a year. A liver, kidneys, heart, vessels, pressure, some other problems it was shown, including excess weight. Return to a regulation costs as told above, serious expenditure, and finance one party, is required efforts, the withdrawal pains of habits, and, above all time are a pity. I hope you will think as well as I in due time and you won't make my mistakes.

Beer expert: Well at last something specific went. That is, it turns out that not beer = angrily, and its quantity. To Akhuyet!!! To 400 liters a year!!! Why there is so much beer to drink???!!! You transfer these quantities on alcohol content, for example, to vodka. It will turn out, about 100 ml of vodka and day! Seven days a week. Or on 0.7 liters of vodka a week, in one person! It is alcoholism. It is strange that the liver live remained. And you still jammed all this something. Of course, beer at the same time is guilty of excess weight and that else! :) Everything shall be moderately. To drink beer in liters daily and to claim after that what beer - the evil, a little unreasonably, you don't see? Beer than is guilty? The fact that you didn't know when to stop?

*Interlocutor: Well as why that just in a similar conversation, earlier in them the sense for me was some to speak relying on experience. Why there is so much? Alcoholism isn't fixed, features of an organism some are) Ultra something there... immunity to pain the same is. The vodka bottle without snack is perceived as the person who drinks standardly... well glass. I could not drink for weeks, it is, more-less, to drink half a year then... it is a lot of also without consequences. That is I didn't feel anything criminal. Any vomiting, poisoning, "the head hurts in the morning" or a tremolo of fingers and so forth. I jammed tasty, qualitatively and moderately, but it nevertheless aggravates of course. Coordination is broken, forgot in previous to add. As around there are a lot of different people, I had an opportunity to observe changes which happened to them. They drink much, it is much less of mine, but the result in the same bath is visible not only on the person)) Knowing also about their problems, it is quite possible to speak as the moderate use of beer doesn't do well. I have people whom I know years 15, it was strong, strong men. Drink ONLY beer. Not to pour in any wine or vodka. Now it is absolutely other people. I repeat at everyone the ceiling, the opportunities to digest including poisonings, I have all this very high ceiling and my doses if it is possible to bring, then as an extreme which can't be repeated. And I say that it is impossible. It isn't necessary.

Beer expert: Well so beer isn't evil as you initially wrote. Angrily is its unlimited consumption, with an unlimited zakusyvaniye. Isn't that so? That's all, to what I wanted to lead after clarification of your details. The same can be carried also to wine, vodka, milk, lemonade, juice and so forth. Drink moderately, and beer will be medicine, the richest with useful minerals which in such quantity you won't find in one drink or a product. Thanks for a conversation! 

*Interlocutor: I specified that I observe different people including who drink "accidentally", plus from 80-X years at me there are a lot of doctors. The first-class specialists with the relevant base, clinics. To reject experience and mine and all these people senselessly. These are thousands of people. Earlier owners of expensive cars argued with me))) It was entertaining to listen to them relying in a dispute on the Internet, the machine, let and not one and... I directed car center and had joy to observe thousands of machines from the most ancient, to the latest. And as the person inquisitive, always dug deeply, inspected history of breakdowns and refusals, reports and statements of the producer and so forth. Improbable amount of information... Come off this needle still meet and all are happy. As already I told above beer perhaps of course to consume, but you shouldn't forget about harm also a dose, doesn't play a special role. Beer, it not red dry. About alcohol somewhere at me was, laziness to look for. But my physicians put experiences)) Drank the permitted dose transferring to beer, whisky, cognac, vodka, moonshine, wines and so forth. Several people, did biochemistry, then other product and so around so far everyone didn't test all samples, then papers were put and... beer in general by cash desk appeared. And once again I repeat that with age which you already entered with beer, as well as with other it is necessary to be harmful extremely accurate. I got to clinic not because I drink much or I can drink but because I work much. It is a lot of. On a dream in a week I have 5-7 hours. Remained. Try to provide what is it and the person could live in such rhythm if he to it destroyed also alcohol? But it is the rare occurence when the patient wasn't bent, and very much it is even live, except for old injuries.

Beer expert: Here always so, somewhere at me was, laziness to look for, and so forth. The paragraph about beer in comparison with an equivalent of other alcoholic drinks, and doctors who somehow there compared something in a circle of the friends is unfounded nonsense which you applied to weighting of the version. You have no confirmatory facts of this comparison where beer, allegedly, appeared in flight and can't be. Only instructive general phrases "grown wise alcoholic experience" which suit only for a talk under a glass of tea with school students of middle classes. Anything personal. You not the first who couldn't reason for the statements about "beer - the evil" and "beer are not red dry". And about what beer the speech in comparison with red dry? About "live should pasteurized light Bar Zhigulyovsk", or about some Deus or Rodenbach with Westvleteren? Or to you all the same, and all in one heap under the name Beer that it was easier to generalize that beer is evil? Give up, well, without the facts figures which you so love, it. 

*Interlocutor: Therefore answered you, understanding initially that senseless it put, but Ler is read by enough people who can think, to them this correspondence and are intended to a large extent. Jupiler drank in the childhood, in far the 70th, there was Koff a bit later when, believe you about it not that didn't know, you didn't exist yet)) Miller was not that urine that in shops is on sale, and this. You are extremely inattentive. I told above that testing beer already at mature age just I took in the 90th all that is packagings without peering into the price. And it is obligatory, I tried also low grades to be objective. You call yourself the beer expert what are inattentive? And why there is a lot of negative and emotions bad? I am able to afford such luxury how to live as I want, and including to eat and drink that I want and when I want. And hobby for beer, in the light of negative which it gives I will notice the same senseless expenditure of resources. In the magazine of figures and a photo it is enough! For what to me to bring together them for someone individually? Time costs money. I have an interesting work, you won't be able to offer the price which will force it to postpone)) But perhaps your offer will interest physicians, they not "doctors who somehow there compared something in a circle of the friends", trying to degrade other people, think as you look from outside. These are the practicing surgeons, doctors, professionals to whom a queue from those who even out of out of turn isn't necessary, to them to issue false information isn't present not that no sense, will come to mind. I have a pack of the biochemistry, but who you are is that before you to spread it? Good luck. It don't make a sense further to talk to you.

Beer expert: Similarly. We summarize. You have figures, doctors, and packs of documents - everything that is necessary to convince any people, except me, but any fact and any figure proving that beer is the evil, in comparison with other drinks you didn't give. And all because I nobody, your time is a devil money which I don't have, and I indecently look from outside to fall prior to the reasoned conversation with me. Well, all as usual. With all supporters of the religions everything is always identical. Good night and kind morning! 

*Interlocutor: To the world the world)) I am a real fact, perhaps. Unfortunately I am not a psychotherapist to be engaged in your case. But to you if you really the expert, it has to be interesting to read literature on a subject, in Network just the mass of the academic researches and results of influence including beer on a male body. Therefore just I suggest you to spend time for independent studying. Search engines work for free. Yes. My time costs much. More I have nothing to comment.


There is such conversation which I have decided to finish as further at the interlocutor the maxims threatening to pass into direct insults have gone. Once again notice, I didn't argue with the interlocutor on harm of alcohol, didn't prove to him that I drink much and is still healthy, simply tried to find out, than beer is more evil than some wine. As usual, I haven't received the answer. One foam. In general, the person has told the correct things about alcohol, per se, but couldn't provide any proofs of bigger harm of beer in comparison with wine. And next day the interlocutor has given rise at himself to a huge post from many words for which writing he has spent not less than several hours (his time costs very much!!!), where has turned everything inside out, to push to the readers that #beerexpert agitated him in this conversation to drink every day on liter of beer of different fortress without harm for health. Than I have even more convinced me of the inadequacy. 

And so, still any, even the most zealous interlocutor, couldn't explain with deep arguments to me, than beer is more harmful than some wine. And what beer is more harmful than what wine. And what what amount of style of beer is more harmful than what what amount of style of wine. All articles on the Internet on this subject — no more, than reasonings of grandmothers on a bench at an entrance.

I will repeat, I consider that harm of beer consists only in his unlimited use as however and any other drink with the content of alcohol. And not only with the content of alcohol. If excessively to drink, for example, milk, then harm from it will be not less if it is no more. Well and about amount of the eaten snack under many liters of beer don't forget too. And then tell about the most cruel harm of beer in comparison with "dry red".

Now give tell that you suspect this subject.

What is more harmful, beer or wine? 

What style of beer is more harmful than what style of wine? And vice versa.

The reasoned opinions, for example, that according to the conclusions of "the British scientists", the light live imperial Zhigulyovsk beer which isn't filtered bar from St. Petersburg express gyozovarn is more harmful than sherries fino because of contents in the first 15% more than rags per unit of volume, than in the second are interesting. Or, American barleywine from Obninsk, sustained in a flank from under a sherry in Vladivostok, is more harmful than some dry table wines from Bulgaria because of existence in the first 22% more than tannins, than in the Mexican maximum allowable concentrations. And so on. 


I want to prove nothing to nobody. On the contrary, I want to learn the truth. 

I call universal mind including scientific in the comment :)

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