Snow for New Years Day? I'm Trying My Best to Make It Happen! With 'Pray for Snow' Winter Ale by 10 Barrel Brewing

I'm "Praying for Snow" on #beersaturday, before the end of 2017. Is it working? Come into my post and find out!

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Pray for Snow Winter Ale is make by 10 Barrel Brewing out of Bend, Oregon. That's right over the Cascade Mountains from where I live, up in Oregon's high desert country.

Once I post this, I'm stocking the bar at my BLACKLUX Holiday Fundraiser Party with this nice winter ale. If you want to try this beer, head on over to the party - we're on Day 11 of 14 right now! I'm matching transfers to @blacklux, 1 for 1, up to 50 SBD total! Just let me know when you transfer a gift to @blacklux and I'll match it!

For now, let's take a closer look at this seasonal brew.

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The "Pray for Snow" is a dark winter ale. How dark is it? That's a 5-element LED flashlight shining through the brew!

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That hashtag, #packitinpackitout, is a popular one on Instagram! If you can carry your beer into the woods, you can carry out the empty bottles, for sure!

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Buying this beer helps fight global warming! The Protect Our Winters campaign is organized by folks who like outdoor sports, to decrease greenhouse gas emissions. Oregon breweries are active in POW because mountain snow is the largest source of their water supply. And water makes the beer!

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Pray for Snow is not a spiced up beer, or not so thick you could eat it, lol. It's smooth and goes down easy -- probably too easy for a 7% ABV! So did drinking it bring the snow??????

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No. No snow. Yet. Maybe I should keep trying!

  • Have you ever had Pray for Snow Winter Ale?
  • Have you had beer from 10 Barrel Brewing?
  • Do you have snow now?
  • Will you come on by my BLACKLUX Party? It's a fund-raiser for @blacklux to help recover from hurricanes Irma and Maria in Puerto Rico. Folks there have a long road ahead of them. It's great that we can help through Steemit.

And thanks for #beersaturday, @detlev!

Haphazard Homestead

foraging, gardening, nature, simple living close to the land

All content is 100% Haphazard Homestead!
My YouTube channel: Haphazard Homestead

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