How about a nice cold bottle of Blue Moon and a large bowl of vanilla ice cream for lunch?

A gentleman today came into my restaurant and had a really great idea.

Beer and ice cream for lunch.

Now oftentimes I will see someone come in and have a beer and a salad.

Occasionally you'll see someone have a glass of wine and a salad.

Texas is kind of an alcoholic state so what do you expect.

Of course we are all very happy to sell as much alcohol as we can.

Alcohol makes us lots of money.

Today though someone ordered something I have never seen before.

A nice cold bottle of Blue Moon and a large bowl of vanilla ice cream.

This was all he was going to eat for lunch.

I guess if you're going to say screw it you might as well say screw it all the way.

He was just a normal looking business guy.

I gotta give to the guy some respect though.'s Friday.

Follow me @jeezzle

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