The Beers, their personality and their nature (first part)


Hello dear friends of steemit, thank you for being present on my blog and accompanying with reading my post.

Before starting I want to clarify that I am Spanish speaking, I read and write only in Spanish, unfortunately English does not understand or write, all my work I do with the help of the translator google, so I want to apologize for any mistakes that may Arise in translation.

The history of beer was always something that caught my attention, for those who did not see my previous post I want to tell you that I was inspired by a post posted by @uwelang where it refers to all people who write on this particular topic and invites Others to write their experiences related to the subject.

That is why and thanks to @uwelang I determined to inform me about the different types of beers that exist and what are their differences to share with all of you.

From what I've read there are many varieties of beer, which makes the difference in many cases, are the recipes with which it is made, to get an idea of ​​how sensitive this drink can be, those who think of beer say that Water quality can vary the taste of beer.

There are several ways to group the beers, among them we can highlight, "Type Ale, Type Lager, Wheat Beers, Porter and Stout among others."

This time we are going to talk about "ale type" beers and their different styles.

"Ale Type Beers"


The "Ale type" beer families are made with "high fermentation yeast", another difference is the type of washing, in this case it carries "floating yeast", in the work process the yeasts float on the surface of the juice.

In this type of beer, the work of transformation is faster between "temperatures 15 and 25 degrees" and will be ready to consume within a few days of ending the "fermentation".
For more information enter the reference link


Las cervezas “tipo Ale” pueden variar su estilo según su lugar de Origen.

"Beer Type Ale British Style"


These beers have the unmistakable "British style" and are segmented according to their color, taste, their nature, the "alcoholic graduation", the quality of the water with which the drinks are made and their production area. For these reasons we can find all these styles of elaboration
"Beer Ale Type British Mild Style"
"Bitter ale style ale"
"Pale Ale British Style Ale Beers"
"Ale Ale-style British Brown Ale"
"Ale Ale British Style Ale"
"Barley Wine British Style Ale Beers"
"Ale-style British Ale Scotch Ale"
"Ale Ale British-style Ale Ale"

These eight varieties belong to the "British style", the characteristics of each of them we will develop in the following post, not to make the post very extensive
For more information enter the reference link


"Beer Type Ale Belgian Style"


From the "Belgian style" we can say that its elaboration maintains the old traditions of beer, is balanced between sweet, sour and acid, is rich and pleasant.

These beers are "high fermentation", are classified according to their place of origin, their nature, their color, or their "alcoholic graduation", there is a group of beer that does not correspond to any style, the so-called "regional Belgian beers" .

"Beer Type Ale Belgian Style Ale"
"Beer Type Ale Belgian Style Ale Toast"
"Beer Type Ale Belgian Style Red Ale"
"Ale Type Ale Belgian Style Golden Ale Strong"
"Beer Type Ale Belgian Style Saison"
"Beer Type Ale Belgian Style Trappist"
"Beer Type Ale Belgian Abbey Style"
"Beer Type Ale Belgian Style Regional specialties"

Beers "Belgian style" is made up of eight varieties to satisfy the palate and the demands of each consumer, the characteristics of each of them will develop as the British in the following post,
For more information enter the reference link

"German Ale Style Ale"


This drink is a pride of the German community, according to the regulation "law of German purity" "Reinheitsgebot" only used components such as water, hops and malt later added yeast and sugar.

The Germans are great consumers of beers, Germany is the third country in the world of beer consumption by inhabitants.

“Cerveza Tipo Ale Estilo Alemán Altbier”


This type of beer, are made in the old style of "high and hot fermentation", with a period of "cold ripening."

At the beginning of the century, southern Germany began with new "low fermentation", while northern Germany retained the traditional way of making beer, "high fermentation, hot and cold ripening".

They are beers of a soft, clean finish, "dark amber or bronze" color, their "alcoholic graduation" ranges from 4.5 to 5%

"Ale Type Ale German Style Kölsch"


In Köln the same happened, they maintained the "high fermentation with cold ripening", the difference is that here in Cologne malts are used more clearly, you can see the results in the "Pilsen-type golden beer."

This beer is of a mild nature, fruity, yellowish, "alcoholic" grade of 5%
For more information Enter the reference link


“Cerveza Tipo Ale Estilo de Otros Países”


"Garde Ale Style Bière Beer"


In the towns of the north-west of France a "bière de garde" style beer, "a beer of guard", (suitable to store) due to the heat was elaborated in winter to be consumed in summer.

These "beers of guard" can be stored for a year, their elaboration is handmade and they are packaged in "Champagne type bottles".

Beers of strong nature, vary the colors of "Pale, golden amber and dark chestnut" their "alcoholic graduation" range from 6 to 8%.

"Ale Style American Style Beer"


These American beers hold firm the style of European beer of very good quality.

In the United States there are many small producers who maintain the style of "high fermentation", this style was taught by English, Irish and Dutch immigrants.

The color varies according to the product and the ingredients, but they maintain the fruity singularity of the European style.

"Ale Type Sparkling Style Beer"


The first beers to be made in Australia, were the "Ale types", were the British immigrants who took their customs to that country.

This variety of beer was discontinued when the "low artificial fermentation fermentation" came, some small Southern Australian producers, continue to elaborate this type of beer to what they call sparkling Ale.

This beer is special, has many bubbles, this is achieved with a "second fermentation", thanks to the sugar that is added before placing the contents in the bottles.

This beer has small zuppies, is fruity and pleasant, of "alcoholic graduation" of 5%
For more information, go to the reference link


Dear friends, the post has become a little long, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did, in the next post we will develop the "British Ale and British Style Ale", with this we would be finishing the "high fermentation" beers.
If you wanted to know more about "ale ale type and its styles" then I leave you all the link so that you can see



I'll wait for you tomorrow to enjoy another story of my land Corrientes.

José Luis Fernández
Corrientes Argentina

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