The Beers, their personality and their nature (Part two)


Hello dear friends of steemit, thank you for being present on my blog and accompanying with reading my post. As every day Thursday I am posting a new informational beer post, this interesting information I found while surfing the web, basically we will see information of beers of English and Belgian origin and what are their differences, I hope it is to your liking and enjoy as much as I did the post.

Before starting I want to clarify that I am Spanish speaking, I read and write only in Spanish, unfortunately English does not understand or write, all my work I do with the help of the translator google, so I want to apologize for any mistakes that may Arise in translation.
For those who did not see my previous post I will make a brief introduction of what we are about to see.
There are several ways to group the beers, among them we can highlight, "Type Ale, Type Lager, Wheat Beers, Porter and Stout among others."

This time we are going to talk about "ale type" beers and their different styles.

"Ale Type Beers"


The "Ale type" beer families are made with "high fermentation yeast", another difference is the type of washing, in this case it carries "floating yeast", in the work process the yeasts float on the surface of the juice.

In this type of beer, the work of transformation is faster between "temperatures 15 and 25 degrees" and will be ready to consume within a few days of ending the "fermentation."
For more information enter the reference link


"Ale" beers can vary their style according to their place of origin

"Beer Type Ale British Style"


These beers have the unmistakable "British style" and are segmented according to their color, taste, their nature, the "alcoholic graduation", the quality of the water with which the drinks are made and their production area. For these reasons we can find all these styles of elaboration.

"Beer Ale Type British Mild Style"


The "Mild" is a silky and subtle beer, of rough nature, five years ago this was the best known beer in the United Kingdom, 75% of Great Britain's beers were of this variety, their alcohol content may vary between 3 and 4%

"Bitter ale style ale"


The "Bitter" is a light beer, dry and rough nature, due to the harsh nature of "hops", these beers are usually on tap. With an alcoholic content of between 3.4 and 4%
In turn this variety can change according to its producer, we can find "Bitter Basic, Bitter Special or Bitter Extra special" this has to do with the consistency of beer.

At present this beer is the one that drinks and prefer the British.

"Pale Ale British Style Ale Beers"


The "Pale Ale" is a beer of amber or bronze color, are traditional of the center and north of England by the gypsum that has the water of the region, is the one that gives the special nature to this beer, they are less rough That the "Bitter" its alcoholic content varies between 4 or 5%

We can also find the beers "Pale Ale Indian", the differences with the "Pale Ale" is that these have much more hops, consistency and light yellow in nature.

"Ale Ale-style British Brown Ale"


"Brown Ale" is a beer originating in the north-east of England, its color is "brown chestnut", strong in nature, "malted, fruity and dry".

"Old Ale British Style Ale Beers"


The "Old Ale" are dark-colored beers, with a lot of body and something sweet, the alcohol content can vary from 5.5 to 8.5%
This beer as its name implies, keeps the old brewing recipes.

"Barley Wine British Style Ale Beers"


"Barley Wine", the name of this variety is recent, formerly known as "strong ale or strong ale".

The name of this variety means "wine of barley", is a "beer of guard" its flavor is very strong, its alcohol content ranges from 6 to 12%

"Ale-style British Ale Scotch Ale"


The "Scotch Ale" is a strong beer, "roasted or dark brown", have "body" and something sweet.

A variety well known in Belgium and Scotland in the latter only elaborate them for export

According to their consistency and strength they are denominated like "Light", "Heavy", "Export", and "Strong

"Ale type ale in the British Irish Ale style"


The "Irish Ale" are "reddish" beers "fruity" delimited by their nature to "malta"

It is the "reddish" beer that keeps the Irish traditions

These eight varieties make up the British style, with its unmistakable original flavor, specially made to satisfy the demanding palates of the one who consumes this style of beer.
If you want to know more about these varieties of beers just have to enter the link link

"Belgian Ale Style Beer"


From the "Belgian style" we can say that its elaboration maintains the old traditions of beer, is balanced between sweet, sour and acid, is rich and pleasant.

These beers are "high fermentation", are classified according to their place of origin, their nature, their color, or their "alcoholic graduation", there is a group of beer that does not correspond to any style, the so-called "regional Belgian beers"

"Beer Type Ale Belgian Style Ale"


The "Belgian Ale" are "high fermentation" beers of medium-consistency "reddish amber", are soft fruit flavor, their alcoholic content of 5%

"Beer Type Ale Belgian Style Ale Toast"


The "Ale Tostadas" some of these varieties of beers are "guards" and are served after two years of its production, a typical beer of the city of Oudenaarde.
A "roasted brown" beer with a "strong and bittersweet" flavor, may contain cherries and raspberries, its alcohol content varies between 5 and 6%

“Cerveza Tipo Ale Estilo Belga Ale Roja”


The "Belgian Red Ale" are typical beers of the region of Flanders their own reddish color of malt, beers rauda acid taste and refreshing sweet nature at the same time.

"Ale Type Ale Belgian Style Golden Ale Strong"


The "Strong Golden Ale" are beers similar to the "Pilsen" of yellow color with fruity of dry tonality its alcohol content is of 8%
They are beers that are characterized by their unique and unmistakable flavor.

"Beer Type Ale Belgian Style Saison"


The "Belgian Saison" are second-hand beers, made exclusively for important celebrations such as Christmas and New Year holidays.
This beer has its origins in the area of Wallonia, is made in spring to enjoy a refreshing beer in summer, "orange" color, with a lot of fruity flavored foam
A special beer with the traditional flavor of its incomparable style, its presentation maintains its origins, packaged in Cider bottles with its classic "cork lid"

"Beer Type Ale Belgian Style Trappist"


The "Belga Trapense" a beer of religious origin, as the name implies, were born in the monasteries that made their own drinks and in some occasions of sale to the public, these beer are produced by the hands of the monks.
These beers are "high fermentation" and double fermentation, the latter is produced in the bottle, fruity flavor of soft yellow, the alcohol content varies between 5 and 11%

“Cerveza Tipo Ale Estilo Belga De Abadía”


The "Belgian Abbey" is a beer inspired by the "Trappist" recipes of those beers elaborated in convents "trapenses" is common to find beers with the name of a church or a patron saint, there is an establishment that has nothing to do with the church , Are sites that have acquired licenses from the monasteries to produce them.

“Cerveza Tipo Ale Estilo Belga Especialidades regionales”


The "Belgian Regional Special" are beers that are not classified under any Belgian style of beer, these respond to the recipes, ingredients and origin of each processor, are unique beers of unmistakable flavor.
In the region of Flanders they call them "streekbieren" which means "beer of the region", are special beers that contain different ingredients like cinnamon, ginger, coriander, cherries, honey.
Their taste, color, nature and alcohol content vary according to the recipes of each producer

Beers "Belgian style" are made up of eight varieties to satisfy the palate and the demands of each consumer.
In the next post we will see the different beers of low fermentation, the post has become a little long, but the subject is very interesting to leave half finished, I hope it was to your liking and enjoyed as much as I did in making this material
For more information enter the reference link


I'll wait for you tomorrow to enjoy another story of my land Corrientes.

José Luis Fernández
Corrientes Argentina

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