Voting for German Beer Of The Day #6 finished - winner is Irseer Kloster Umtrunk!

Hello Steemit,

I was shopping again, and have bought 3 fine bottles of German Beer. Now it is up to you to decide what beer will feature > in episode 6 of the German Beer Of The Day series.

The winning beer is the comment with the highest product (= number of votes multiplied with curation reward).

Winner - Irseer Kloster-Urtrunk (left bottle), 0,28 Points (7 Votes x 0,04 Cent Reward)

Second - Unertl Erinnerungstrunk (right bottle) , 0,12 Points (6 Votes x 0,02 Cent Reward)

Third - Früh Kölsch (bottle in the middle) 0,00 Points (3 Votes x 0,00 Cent Reward)

Thank you for voting!

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