Beer of the Day #1 - Augustiner from Munich

I am living in Munich now since almost 17 years which is perfect given I prefer Beer towards Wine even I come from a Wine area originally.

Augustiner is still THE Munich Beer in the CITY. It even made me forget my favourite Kristall Weizen which is not available to drink anywhere in the City of Munich (which is a shame).

Augustiner's most popular beer is Augustiner Helles (5.2%), a pale lager that is given a prolonged secondary fermentation.

I saw there are already some awesome posts and profiles around Beer on Steemit by @beers @twinners under the tag below so I hope they do not see me as some one stealing their ideas. I rather would like to contribute to this awesome topic. I was one of these guys on other platform driving contests around the topic like BeerChallenge where we could earn money we paid forward to Charity.

This is me enjoying one of the above Helles in a true Bavarian Maßkrug: The Maß or Mass is the Bavarian language word describing the amount of beer in a regulation mug, in modern times exactly 1 litre (33.8 US fl oz).

Image of Augustiner

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