Delerium Tremens, roadtripping and Pink Elephants

I almost forgot about this gem that was lurking around in my fridge! A while back we had found the Delerium Tremens in our local supermarket and I was delighted with this!

Let me tell you why!


I had flashbacks to a Belgian Beer trip I did years back with one of my closest friends. The concept was fantastic! Take two girls, put them in a car, let them drive to Brussels and all kinds of place around. They try all kinds of Belgian Beers but they can NEVER take the same beer twice. Roadtripping and friends, I have warm memories thinking about this trip!


Its not what you think, we also did sightseeing and not just drinking there!! I saw the Atomium for the first time ever. Have you ever seen this one in Brussels?


Oke back to the beer

In our journey on Belgium Beer all of a sudden the Delerium Beer came up in the menu. I didnt know this beer at all but my friend was very hesitant on ordering this. She said that when you drink this you start seeing Pink Elephants crawling over the ceiling. I couldnt tell at that moment anymore if she was intoxicated or actually anxious on ordering it. At first we decided to drink some other beers to get some courage before ordering the Delerium. What happened after.. I dont remember anymore (grin), just that we had a ball and the stories on Pink Elephants were dominating the night.


Oke now really back to THIS beer now

Delerium has a cool website where I learned they have more kinds of beers. This is what the site itself mentions on the one I had


And I have to say: very accurate desciption. On the other hand, what do you expect from the site itself. It SHOULD be accurate hahaha.

My experience this time??


Cool bottle, not glass but more a kind of stone. Awesome label with good vibes. High on flavor and spicy is true. It has a bite! And 8.5% ?? Well... stay easy on these babies, one is enough.

Did I see Pink Elephants in my living room? I think after 4 of these ones, you will see a stampede coming for you. :)

This is my entry for the #beersaturday competition of this week hosted by @detlev. If you like beer, you should join in. Also this is my second entry in the #7daybeerchallenge because I was challenged by @iliasdiamantis

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