How to treat cancer with the help of bees! (featuring kental as translator)

Translated by kental

ATTENTION: KENTAL did use as a source to translate this post.

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Cancer is a big problem for our world for a very long time. The first stages of cancer which are more respond to treatment are often not perceptible enough. The later stages of cancer are much more difficult or impossible to treat. Moreover, it doesn’t matter how old are you.
How can bees help us with the treatment?
The last researches about cancer discovered that the best way to fight against cancer is to use your immunity. The immunity of every person is just the one thing which is able to understand where and why something is going wrong in the programs of malignant cells and how to decide this problem. Thus, royal jelly gets up the immunity very effective. When the immunity is strong it’s come easy for organism to fight with the cancer. Moreover, this treatment concludes a cleansing property of blood which helps organism to clean itself of poisons, toxins and plaque which it has accumulated over the years of the life.

More science

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Betler, Hofman and Staynman, the founders of the Institute for the study of cancer have taken the Nobel Prize in 2011 because of their works about researching of dendritic cells. These cells activate immunity when there’s a pathological condition in the organism. Cancer refers to this condition. So, the last researches in the area of beekeeping has proved the activation of dendritic cells by 3,10-dihidroxy-decanoic acid which includes in the consist of royal jelly. What’s more, the further researches of this acid have shown its ability to activate the development of T-helper cells, more precisely, the kinds of this like CD86, CD54, CD40, CD1a, and to enforce the production of interleukins.

Apparently, these properties of royal jelly permit to fight with the diseases like leukemia and the cancer of blood. Specialists in radiotherapy from India (Medical College in Kolkata) have been studding closely the effect of honey’s products while they have been making the seances of radiotherapy trying to treat mucositis. This approach allows reducing the percentage of complications on the third stage from 41% to 18% and from 22% to 4% on the fourth stage. That’s just unbillable!


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Today scientific research engaged in honey not just abroad – other scientists pay attention to this question too. For example, there’s a specialized place in Ukraine where the treatment of oncology by drugs which are created on the base of honey’s products. This place calls Savin’s apiary. It stays in the Belgorod region in Crimea and it’s the biggest apiary in the East Europe. The colleagues of this apiary collaborate with the leading oncologists all over the world.
The plus of Savin’s apiary is the maximal comfort for its visitors. For example, people shouldn’t live at this place. It’s enough to take the drugs consist of honey’s products and come to Crimea for one day.

Bee careful!

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First of all, honey is a very specific product with super activity which doesn’t suit to everyone. Some people can have an allergic shock. You should try the honey and its products on a very small amount of it before starting using it to avoid this possible allergic shock.

Secondly, it should be considered that the chemotherapy drugs are able to provoke some kinds of malignant tumors on the further mutation.

In conclusion

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The treatment of cancer with the help of royal jelly is very popular in the Internet and in all medical sources, especially in newspapers and magazines of folk medicine. You can deduct many examples of people’s recover from cancer due to royal jelly. The disease just stopped progressive on more hard stages of it what is a positive result in itself.
Nevertheless, you should distinctly understand that the treat of cancer with the royal jelly shouldn’t be only the one or the main way of treatment because cancer is an awful scaring disease. Not every immunity system is able to fight with that just because of its stimulation. The most of people need the hard and radical ways of treatment.

Thank you for your attention!

Let's learn beekeeping together!

Attention: This post has been written by kental

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