Behind The Curtain of thekitchenfairy Blogging

I don't use GinaBOT, I don't have esteem, any apps and/or bots that would tell me when I am tagged, mentioned, ppl followed me and whatnot, but I do read and curate friends and strangers, and thank goodness for that, because if no one said nothing to me (such as @mariannewest leaving a comment about me being tagged on her posting), I won't know when I am tagged and/or mentioned 😂 I am sooooo basic (read: boring) 😂

While reading @saffisarra and @snowpea latest blogs, I saw my name was tagged for #behindthecurtain, so now I have been tagged for the same challenge by 3 different ladies. I guess I better do it then? 😂

Behind The Curtain challenge was initiated by @freedomtowrite, the original posting can be seen here.

The rules are pretty simple:

  • Take a picture of yourself working on Steemit, or what you see while you work on Steemit.
  • Tag 5 Steemians in your post.
  • Use #behindthecurtain as one of the tag

Here we go!

I joined Steemit August 2017, still summer, so most of the time I came online while I was in the backyard, often inside my humble green house, door wide opened so I wouldn't choke to death in there 😂 I'd grab our lawn chair and just relaaaax inside the green house, and I'd type.

Other times I'd come online while on the kids' bouncy castle with gorgeous sky as my view, but tons of headache afterwards from trying to type while the kids jumping around 😵

I use my phone as I don't have PC and my laptop died a couple of years back, so I hop from one spot to another, wherever convinient 😂

When I needed to hide from my littles so that I could post something without much disturbances, I went to my basement library. I have this rocking chair that my husband got me on my 2nd pregnancy, and I love it so much. In a way or two, this is my lucky chair at the beginning of my Steemit journey, whenever I produced blogs while sitting on this chair, my rewards were around $60-$90 😂 (those days are gone though, supposedly @curie and @blocktrades only show up when you are a noob on Steemit 😂).


At this library I have tons of brand new, vintage, never used baking pans that I hung here and there as decorations. Should one of them fell and knock my head, am sure brilliant ideas will swarm out of my head to blog about 😂


After awhile, I realized it's much easier for me to advance-blogging, which is typing when everyone's gone to bed, and that means, typing in the dark while I'm on the bed, so here is my nowadays working spot 😂


Can you see anything? Yes? No? Good then 😂✌️✌️😂


Now show me where you work your Steemit magic from @cecicastor, @inthenow, @howtostartablog, @ryivhnn, and @norwegianviking (sorry, I know you're busy for the wedding!) 😉

Thanks For Looking!

This @bearone's banner, makes my blog looks better 😉

Looky, looky, what @enginewitty made me, isn't it a cutie 😊

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