A Tender Heart and a Dedicated Asshole: The Enigma of @berniesanders

When I first got here I quickly became aware of @berniesanders. The election was in full swing, the politician was a well known fellow, and here’s this super strong presence with his fingers all over the blockchain. It didn’t take long for me to realize that many people here found him to be rude, obnoxious, an egomaniac, and completely out of line. He himself says he's a Dedicated Asshole.

The evidence against him

Here’s a gem of a conversation with @stellebella where he flat out calls her a cunt and to get off the platform. (I'm having a hard time finding the original conversation so I'm posting these as a place holder, also please note @berniesanders has many alts on here. @nextgencrypto is one of them.).

Oh, and don’t think anyone is immune. You may have missed this conversation where he takes @ned to task very publicly in the #price channel in Steemit chat. (@ned follows this blog! Hi Ned!)

He’s an unofficial leader in hating on this platform. He uses the abbreviation STINC for Steemit Inc. I’ve heard that sentiment mimicked from many other witnesses in the witness channel. It seems they are frustrated by the lack of GUI improvements on the site, the general performance of the site, and the lack of sales and marketing efforts and people employed by STEEMIT.

I got Flagged

I wrote a post about my own personal experience to the first time I caught a Bernie flag.


I caught mine when I tried to bridge the peace between @gavvet and @berniesanders. @gavvet had a measured response. @berniesanders roughly told me to go fuck myself and @gavvet could too!

Basically it sucked. It hurt my pride. It hurt my wallet. I was mad. But he also had a point and on that day he flagged everyone! It wasn’t personal.

Achievement unlocked


First Conclusion

So, with these kinda fingerprints on the blockchain it looks like he’s a complete fucking asshole and not just a Dedicated one. If you believe that I can understand that. I thought so too.

But then there’s this.

Apparently he’s the world’s biggest STEEMIT hating asshole that’s also willing to donate SBDs to a 15 year old kid to help him go to STEAMFEST. Well, that was probably a fluke right? Here's the full context- @aggroed/the-autobots-just-collectively-donated-usd333-sbds-to-the-travel-fund-but-theprophet0-still-needs-more-to-get-to-steemfest

Well, you know who is the biggest donor behind the curation trails? You know Engagement? Guess what!?! That’s @berniesanders. All those votes that you’ve gotten with $5-10 at a time came from the world’s biggest asshole…

Lastly, have you had fun with @randowhale yet? Steemit’s cute little "Whale of Fortune." Can you see where I”m going here?!? It’s Bernie’s! He’s tossing out whale votes for your fun, for BTS spite, and for the lulz.

You’ve got Flag

You've got flag.png

So, that brings me to general flagging. You probably know he’s the most flagrant flagger in Steemit (though Abit might be in for a tie there). You guys might think “WTF are these asshole whales doing running around flagging all this shit brat?” Well,here’s the 411 on that.

Whales that up vote themselves, up vote their alts, and circle jerk their friends hurt the reward pool for the rest of us. These two self appointed police decided against rewardpoolrape and decided to protect us all from it. So, in part because whale curation and voting is so broken right now they decided that HF 18 needed some serious policing, looked around, saw no one and no leadership, but decided that they had enough power and clout to weather it.

I think he honestly just lost his cool and rampaged on this post.

Where’d I land?

The world’s biggest flagging Dedicated Asshole is helping kids, curating the shit out of this place, and protecting us all from whales gaming the system. He’s holding Steemit to task for site slowness and lack of progress on a modern and easy to use GUI. And he’s curating all your minnow posts so you have a chance to grow around here.

I think some people come to the conclusion that he doesn’t give a fuck about anyone or anything… I have the opposite opinion. I think he’s incredibly passionate about this place and holds it to ridiculously high standards and then rages when humanity fails him.

It’s a thankless job, and this post is to say thanks. These guys deserve a medal, but all I can do is give him a badge made by @elyaque to hopefully keep him in the Steemit history books.


All that said. I’m pretty sure he’s an asshole, but don't tell him I said that because he upvoted my Witness yesterday. I fuckin' love this place!

talkin' about Bernie is so hawt right meow

Please vote for me for Witness!

You can find me hanging out on steemspeak, a discord channel that many steemers use to text and talk to each other- https://discord.gg/qjpRj7w

You can find me in Whaleshares- https://discord.gg/GykFB6S
or my new channel PALnet- https://discord.gg/HYj4yvw
I can also be found on steemchat as @aggroed. If you have a post to share give me a good sentence or two of why you think I’ll like it.
To vote for me click the link underneath my profile, scroll under the list of 50 names and type aggroed into the box. If you can see my name you have voted for me (don't click the little blue upvote next to my name as you'll cancel your vote for me).

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